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5 Last Minute Gift Ideas For Friends And Family

For when you're in a pinch


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We all know the feeling when finals season gets the best of you and you have left yourself with 3 days to get 20 gifts. It's okay--we've all done it before. Here are a few gift ideas that you can give to pretty much anyone and you can get from pretty much anywhere:

1. The enhanced gift card gift

We all know that person who we feel obligated to get a gift for, but we just don't really know what they like. Maybe we haven't spent that much time with them, or maybe they're just hard to shop for, but either way a generic gift card can be the way to go. I know what you're thinking--that it's impersonal. You're sort of right, but you can make it a little more personal than just putting it in an envelope. Go out to your local target or walgreens and pick up some nicely packaged cookies/candies. Coordinate the candy packaging with tissue paper, a gift bag, and an envelope (with the gift card in it). I know it's still a bit impersonal, but it looks a lot better in such a put-together presentation

2. The personalized gift card gift

This gift is for a closer friend--you know the stores they shop at and where/what they eat. To put this gift together, follow the steps from the previous gift, but add a little personal touch. By this, I mean you should pick a gift card that is something specific that you know the person will really use. Next, pair their favorite candy/ food with it. It could be store bought, but it's even more personal if you can make it yourself.

3. College apparel

This one is great for a secret Santa. If you get a college student, you can never go wrong with their college name on a sweatshirt, tee shirt or mug. Everyone wears their college apparel.

4. Personalized baskets

I know what you might be thinking--that this one is only good for women. But I would argue that a basket can be a fitting and very personalized gift for everyone. For example, a basket of desserts or really any food can be given to anyone. However, if you want to make it more personal you can make baskets according to people's likes/interests. For example, if you need a gift for someone who you know is a coffee lover, you can make them a basket full of assorted coffees, flavorings, and maybe a mug or two.

5. An accessory box

Again, this is great for both men and women. It can be really difficult and risky to buy people clothes, especially if you don't know the person that well. To prevent the person from having to go to the store to return what you gave them, you can create a box of accessories you know they would wear. For example, if you're shopping for a man you could buy him a belt and a few ties. For a woman you could buy a purse with matching shoes (or jewelry if you don't know her size). You definitely can't go wrong.

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