2. "A hot barber." | The Odyssey Online
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6 Times James Charles Has Made A Straight Man Uncomfortable

Thank you, Tati Westbrook, for bringing this problem to everyone's attention.

6 Times James Charles Has Made A Straight Man Uncomfortable

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On May 10, 2019, Youtube beauty guru, Tati Westbrook, posted a video titled, "BYE SISTER...". In a nutshell, Tati explains how her friendship and mentorship with fellow Youtube makeup artist, James Charles, is over. James and Tati's relationship goes way back, and he even did her makeup for her wedding. In the video, Tati brings to light that James has repeatedly flirted with straight men, in hopes of "turning" them gay. While this was not the only thing Tati talked about, it seems to be the main thing that people who follow the former Coverboy are talking about.

I had been subscribed to James for about two years until I recently unsubscribed from his channel. James Charles has made many videos with straight men including Ethan and Grayson Dolan, and Jeff Wittek, in which he clearly flirts with them throughout the videos making them uncomfortable.

I had noticed this tremendously in one of his more recent videos titled, "THE TRUTH... My Crush Does My Makeup." Being a big fan of Jeff's, I thoroughly enjoyed the video when I first watched it, but after watching Tati's video where she "exposes" James' predatory actions, I went back and watched his video with Jeff. After watching it the second time, it felt different.

1. "I am a woman!"

This whole video is just so cringey. At 4:12, James asks Jeff what the three things he looks for in a long-term relationship. Jeff responds, "You got to have a good sense of humor." In which James replies, "You tell me I'm funny to every single DM I send you."

Ok, by this time, Jeff has already made clear that he is straight. But Jeff rebuttals James' comment with, "Well second, you have to be a woman." While Jeff says this laughing, you can just feel the uncomfortable tension. But that doesn't stop James because he responds to Jeff's standards with, "I am a woman!" This behavior continues throughout the whole video.

2. "A hot barber."

In the same video mentioned before, James tells Jeff his three qualities he looks for in a relationship. He mentions a good sense of humor, understanding, and the third quality, a hot barber. Now, if you had no idea who Jeff was, you may just look over this, but Jeff is a barber. Again, James making the situation a little more uncomfortable than it needed to be.

3. "I'm a celebrity"

Tati talks about that James has made several moves on straight men. She even says that she repeatedly told James that he cannot try and control someone's sexual orientation. But to that, she said that James would reply with, "I'm a celebrity."

4. Any video he has done with the Dolan Twins

You can look up these yourself because there are too many to refer to.

5. "Jeff gets all the time he needs."

In this video, James has the entire Vlog Squad do a makeup relay race. The instructions were that each member had five minutes to work on his makeup and then they had to be done. But, James said, "But Jeff gets all the time he needs." What? Jeff responds with a very uncomfortable look.

6. "Possibility of hooking up with any of the Vlog Squad members"

In the same video, James asks Zane Hijazi who he thinks James would be able to hook up within the Vlog Squad. Zane immediately debunks James' hopes of being with Jeff, making James incredibly sad. The only reason James asked the question in the first place was in hopes of Zane saying Jeff's name.

James has currently lost almost three million subscribers since Tati posted her video. Some notable unsubscribers are Jeffree Star, Kim Kardashian, Demi Lovato, and Shawn Mendes. Morphe Cosmetics has also stopped selling James Charles' eyeshadow palette in stores.


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