5. You didn't stop and smile | The Odyssey Online
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8 Times You've Probably Been Unintentionally Ungrateful This Week

Ungrateful people breed negativity. No one gets any pleasure from giving to an ungrateful person. When you show appreciation, the object of your attention blossoms and flourishes.

-Paul McCabe

8 Times You've Probably Been Unintentionally Ungrateful This Week

Although it can be easier than we like to admit to be ungrateful, there are simple ways that you can learn to be a more grateful person with a heart full of gratitude. After all, nobody likes a negative, ungrateful person. Here are 10 ways that you've probably unknowingly been ungrateful this week. To change this behavior for next week, do the opposite of these 10 things.

1. You didn't tell your barista 'thank you'

Wether you were in a rush because you were running late or your barista was in training and didn't provide the best service, you should always make room to thank someone for the services they are providing to you.

2. You didn't tell your person (mom, dad, bf, gf, etc.) that you love them

Telling someone that you love them is, believe it or not, a small act of gratitude because you are showing that person that you are grateful for them and all they do. A simple 'I love you' can change the mood of the setting you are in- trust me. And it's usually changed for the better.

3. You 'forgot' to pray

Your week was busy, you had a bad day, whatever the excuse is today, you forgot to pray. You forgot to thank the Lord for waking you up this morning, you forgot to thank the Lord for the day you had, despite how awful it was, and you forgot to thank the Lord for simply keeping you alive and healthy.

4. You complained about a materialistic item

Wether that was your phone charger breaking, your phone screen cracking, your car not starting, or your coffee order not being right- you complained. Complaining about things that are so easily available to us deems us to be ungrateful. There are people who don't have clean running water, who starve daily, and people who don't even have a house and you have the audacity to sit here and complain about your phone not being charged? I am deeming you ungrateful.

5. You didn't stop and smile

You were blessed with a beautiful smile that can move mountains. And you decided not to use it. Your smile has the power to move mountains and although you can't see it, your smile lights up every room you are in.

6. You didn't notice the hard work of those around you 

From your roommates emptying the dishwasher to your mom calling to get your bank account information so that you didn't have to- you paid no attention to it at all and because of that you didn't have the time to say thank you.

7. You were consistently crabby

If you were genuinely grateful for your life and all you've been blessed with, you would know that continually being crabby or negative takes a toll on how grateful should be. Rather than being thankful you were woken up today, you decided to be crabby about waking up late, spilling your coffee, and your outfit not being on fleek. If you were genuinely grateful you wouldn't wake up in a bad mood every day.

8. You had an attitude problem 

As said above and countless other times, it is extremely difficult to find what you're grateful for if you are focusing on the negative things around you. There is so much to be grateful for and you would be able to see that if you opened your eyes and saw the bigger picture.

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