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35 Heartthrobs 90s Babies Can Confirm They Swooned Over

It doesn't matter if they're completely relevant or not to this day.

35 Heartthrobs 90s Babies Can Confirm They Swooned Over

If you're anything like the average little girl, you probably had tons of crushes growing up. The exact fangirl ages may range and some guys were older than others, but the overall entertainment industry graced us, 90s babies, way too well. If I'm being honest, our generation was seriously super spoiled. It's safe to say that we wouldn't trade our '90s childhood for any other decade and low-key still cherish our '90s celebrity crushes.

Over 20 years later, we still can't get enough of some of these babes. It doesn't matter if they're completely relevant or not to this day, here's 35 heartthrobs 90s babies can confirm they totally swooned over:

1. Justin Timberlake

2. Shane West

3. Nick Carter

4. Chad Michael Murray

5. Jesse McCartney

6. Ryan Sheckler

7. Jared Padalecki

8. Orlando Bloom

9. Milo Ventimiglia

10. Drake Bell

11. Ashton Kutcher

12. Heath Ledger

13. Zac Efron

14. Romeo

15. Channing Tatum

16. James Lafferty

17. Ben McKenzie

18. Nick Lachey

19. Paul Walker

20. Adrian Grenier

21. Brad Pitt

22. Ryan Gosling

23. The Jonas Brothers

24. Leonardo DiCaprio

25. Freddie Prinze Jr.

26. Mark-Paul Gosselaar

27. Will Smith

28. Adam Brody

29. Dylan and Cole Sprouse

30. Rider Strong

31. Ryan Phillippe

32. Will Friedle

33. Usher

34. A.J. Trauth

35. James Franco

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