I have been watching "Gilmore Girls" for a few months now, and I love it. I love the witty humor, and I like the majority of the characters and find them relate-able. I feel like I'm Rory's long lost twin with my love for reading and getting an education. I feel like Luke whenever I'm mad, and I wish I could be as witty and hilarious as Lorelai is. The show also makes me root for the main characters, which is what any good story does, and every scene with Luke and Lorelai makes me swoon.
Warning: Spoilers ahead if you haven't seen the show!
Where I get frustrated with this show is in its almost continuous tie with Dean. Sure, he was okay in the beginning and was a decent first boyfriend for Rory. After the episode where Rory feels she needs to dress up as a housewife to make Dean happy, I was just done with that relationship and was so happy when Jess came on the scene and then Logan later. That's a different story, however.
I understand why Dean has a presence, but I don't find him necessary on the show after he gets married to Lindsay. Even though she clearly wasn't the right girl for him, I would have rather him be with her than have him wanting to get back with Rory and ruin a marriage. Currently, I am on Season 5, where an old man dies, and Luke wants to be involved with the house the old man was in because he wants to buy it for a future life with Lorelai. For some reason, Dean is there moving stuff around and yells at Luke saying that he and Luke are the same, meaning it probably won't work with Lorelai because Rory and Lorelai want so much beyond Stars Hollow. It was just unnecessary in my opinion.
With Jess, I really loved how he is really similar to Rory in how he loved to read, but despite how awesome they are together, he just isn't ready for a life with Rory. I think his story line is well done, although I wish that Rory and he had a better and longer relationship.
I'm not sure about Logan. I loved the episode where Rory investigates his secret club, and they jump off that thing together with umbrellas. He obviously fits the standards of a boy that Emily and Richard have, but he's also not the nicest or kindest person on the show. Even though he's an interesting character, I just don't think he's good enough for Rory either.
In the series revival, I really hope we get to see Lorelai and Rory living happy lives with Luke and whoever Rory is with. I know a lot of people are hoping Jess, but I really hope that Rory gets with Marty. Out of all the men in Rory's life, he is certainly the best.