Friendships are complex. They are what we need in order yo make it through life. However, they can also be the things that hurt us the most. They are comforting, fun, and when you find the right ones truly the best. Friendships change throughout the course of life. There are many different friends you make from birth to wherever you are now. These are the ones I have made.
1. Your Built-In Friends
Your built in friends! This is your family! Mainly for me these were my siblings. For awhile, they may have been the ones who pushed your buttons and fought with you...a lot; but they are there for you from day one. I mean maybe for awhile it's because they have to be. Eventually, they become your friends because they want to be. They are truly your best friends, so do not take them for granted as much as you typically do.
2. Elementary School Friends
These are the friends from your childhood. They are typically the ones you just met and instantly clicked with. These friends are there for everything from, toys, awkward years, more embarrassing moments than you could ever count, family get togethers, celebrity crushes, ALL your phases, and all the way down to the hard stuff as well. They know you like no one else does. The downside of this friend though is unless you are lucky, at one point you grow apart. A lot of the time it is not intentional and you will not even notice it. It just happens, your life is too different. It happens for so many reasons, maybe you moved away, maybe you both are just way too different now, maybe there was a bad reason, or maybe just time/life only allows us people for a limited time. They serve their purpose and then it's over. IF you are lucky though, and you still have your childhood/elementary best friend, they will probably be in your life forever. Seriously, they will be your maid of honor, godparent of your child, and just there until you are old and gray.
3. Middle School Friends
Middle school friends are the complicated to say the least. You legit made them when you both were at your most awkward phase in life. They are not quite like elementary friends but they are still not like high school friends either. No, middle school friends just hang somewhere in the middle. Most middle school friendships are torn apart, while in either middle school or the first couple years of high school. Mostly, they are there for lessons. They help you understand what a friend should be like and what a friend does that makes you feel hurt and or uncomfortable. These friendships are typically the ones where there is drama, and trust issues. They often blow up because of the classic he said she said. Those are the bad parts of middle school friendships. The good parts are, if you keep them in your life, middle school friends truly are the best! Once again, they have seen you at your MOST awkward and vice-versa. They also were your shoulder to cry on, and the person you confided in. You bonded with them in a way that you cannot repeat at different ages. The reason being, that you both were going through the awkward phase, you both confided in each other more than anyone else, you both probably fought and hopefully got through it, and this was the ultimate stage for phases. Whether that be a boyband phase (lol me, kinda still), superhero phases (also me), specific celebrity phase, etc. They saw you through that and they probably had a phase you remember too. The inside jokes between you both will be unique and also never ending because of the time in which you met.
4. High School Friends
High school friends are great during high school but few and far between after. I made so many great friendships in high school. Throughout every activity I made a friend with at least one person if not more. This was the age of the friendships that you have possibly because you see each other every day and spend so much time together. Regardless, I would not trade those friendships and memories for the world. They were the best. I loved everyone of them, whether they were from fine arts, my friend 'group', a friend I made through mutual feelings about a class, and even the homework friends. I even miss the friends you made solely because you worked together in class or because you both helped each other with the homework all the time. That friendship like many others in high school had a definite expiration date.There are some saving grace friendships you make in high school. You will come out with one or two good friends. Those friends will be some of your closest ones. Also try and avoid the toxic/dramatic friendships if you can. Do not let them get to you. Especially since they will not last long. Most of your day to day friends you make in high school, you will never see or talk to again after graduation. So I think, while you are in high school, cherish those friendships and relish in whatever it is you need to learn from them. Even if the lesson is only how to survive a class together.
5. College Friends
The last one I have personally encountered, are college friends. College friends are actually the best. When you go to college, most people want to make friends. The difference now is that the friendships are significantly better and deeper than most friendships you have made before. In college there is no time for drama, no one wants pointless drama anymore. So every friendship you make is intentional and meaningful. If people do not want to be your friend in college you will not be wondering, you will know. These friendships are also the fun kind as well. You do things like go to Whataburger at 3am (@ Larry and Kaylee), or go to the movies on a Tuesday, or just all cram in a dorm and laugh your heads off. I think my friends in college are the best friendships I have encountered yet. I love my late night runs, lunches, or working out with my friends. (@ Larry, Kaylee, and Kennedy) The friendships you make in college, are fun, intentional, meaningful, and I truly think will last a life time. Also you may just make a good name for your group of friends, like the trinity, wolf pack, and or the three musketeers.
All friendships are different, and while they may not all last forever, they are all equally important. Every friendship you have made at every stage of your life served a purpose. Some just have longer roles to fulfill.