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Student Life

10 Summer Activities For Broke College Kids

These are a couple of summer ideas I came up with that shouldn't cost more than $10 and be done in your hometown.

Photo by Luigi Manga on Unsplash

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I get super bored when I'm back home. There isn't any homework or projects to work on or constant activities. My parents tell me I'm an expensive kid and tend to spend a lot of money when I'm home going on city trips. These are a couple of ideas I came up with that shouldn't cost more than $10 and be done in your hometown.

1. Hiking

I'm not a very outdoorsy person, but if it is a beautiful day outside, get out of the house and into nature. I'm lucky to live near hiking trails and parks. Hell, there's one in my backyard. There are some hidden gems on those trails if you search hard enough.

2. Drive around and get a little lost

This doesn't have to be a multi-state excursion. Go on a drive by yourself or with your friends. Turn off the GPS for a little and see where you end up. Take the backroads and blast the music out of the speakers. It's a mini adventure, and hopefully, the only thing you may have to pay for is gas.

3. Carnivals

You can choose to spend money here, but local summer carnivals are usually free. Park a little further away to avoid parking fees. There's usually live music and special events for the public. If you want to splurge a little on carnival food or a crazy ride, go ahead.

4. Photoshoots

Photoshoots can be done anywhere. It can be done in your house, you don't even have to leave. Get creative and some pictures for Instagram. You don't need a fancy DSLR camera. The best camera you have is the one you always have with you- your phone.

5. Make a video

This can be one summer recap video or some silly trillers or tik-toks. Get some funny music and unleash your inner goofball or get some video editing skills.

6. Movie Night

Lock yourself in, build a pillow fort, grab some popcorn, and hit play on Netflix. Ask some friends to come over if you choose to. It's even better if it's a musical so you all can sing your hearts out without public judgment.

7. Workout

This is more fun than it seems. You don't even have to have a gym membership. At home workout, videos are a lot of fun. I highly recommend Blogalities. Most of the workouts don't require extra equipment. The videos are fun and move quickly, so it's a lot less painful. Do it with a friend for some extra motivation and a struggle buddy.

8. Board and Card Games

I loved board games when I was little. I still enjoy them but never play them as much. More recently, my family plays a lot of card games. All you need is a deck of cards to play so many different games in a big group. Just make sure everyone involved is a good sport.

10. Fire Pit

If you don't have a fire pit at home, some parks have some. You may want to check the rules though to avoid trespassing. Spend a little bit to make some smores and some wholesome summer memories.

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