3. You decorate earlier than most. | The Odyssey Online
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10 Telltale Signs You Are Obsessed With All Things Fall And May Be A Fall-A-Holic

"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the Earth seeking the successive autumns" -George Eliot

10 Telltale Signs You Are Obsessed With All Things Fall And May Be A Fall-A-Holic

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Ahh, fall. It's the time of year where the weather is perfect, the air is crisp, and the foliage is stunning. Fall is a special season and for those that absolutely love it will show it. If you're one who is obsessed with fall, there are sure tell signs that you love the season much more than others.

1. You stock up on Bath and Body Works.


The fall scents are to DIE for at Bath and Body Works. You are always sure to stock up on the scents you like in hand soaps, body wash, lotion, candles, and even bath bombs!

2. You visit all of the home decor stores.


Marshalls, T.J. Maxx, Homegoods, At Home, you name it! Once you see fall decor out at the stores you can't help but purchase a new decor for your place... or twenty.

3. You decorate earlier than most.


Once we get that one cool day in August you get excited and can't help but decorate. There is just something relaxing about looking at your fall decorations and having those cute lights.

4. You enjoy fall holidays the most.


You might enjoy all holidays, but the ones that occur in the fall are your favorite. You are the most festive person for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and perhaps even Labor Day.

5. You don't get sick of all things pumpkin.


Pumpkin is one of your favorite flavors and you'll make all sorts of pumpkin flavored food! Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin pie, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin soup, you name it and you'll make it (and eat it).

6. Not to mention you love apple flavored things too!


Apple pie, caramel apples, and apple cider are also all of your favorites.

7. Your wardrobe consists of sweaters and boots.


You love your cozy sweaters and cute boots. And honestly you probably wear them no matter what time of year it is! You just love your cozy fall outfits.

8. You can spend all day outside no matter how chilly it gets.


You absolutely love wearing that cozy fall outfit of your's and taking a stroll or long drive. The fall foliage is one of your absolute favorites. You may even have it on your bucket list to visit northern states like Vermont or New Hampshire to see their stunning fall foliage.

9. Fall festivities never get old.


You love all of the classic fall activities. You'll go to a corn maze, go apple picking, visit a pumpkin patch, and even go to the local fairs. Not to mention every year you partake in such activities and no matter how old you are it never gets old.

10. You become terribly sad when fall is over.


Once the bitter winter starts to move in and fall leaves you feel solemn. Although you love fall you know that it will come again, you are a tad sad because it's yet another fall season leaving us to move on with our lives.

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