2. Instead of classic syrup or sugar, opt for an artificial sweetener. | The Odyssey Online
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5 Ways To Reduce The Calories In Your Starbucks (Or Any) Coffee

All of the taste--and none of the guilt.


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When trying to reduce your calorie or sugar intake, it's easy to forget about the calories you consume in what you drink. Following these simple steps can help you enjoy all of your favorite beverages while being health-conscious!

1. Substitute 2% milk for a non-dairy alternative.


Unless instructed otherwise, a grande Starbucks Caffe Latte is made with 2% milk. With just espresso and 2% milk, this drink is 190 calories. Simply by switching to nonfat milk, the drink is reduced to 130 calories. Substituting coconut milk brings the drink to 140 calories, and a latte with almond milk is only 100 calories.

2. Instead of classic syrup or sugar, opt for an artificial sweetener.


A grande sweetened ice coffee with milk is 110 calories. Asking to have it unsweetened reduces the drink to 35 calories. If you also substitute the 2% milk for almond milk, the drink becomes a mere 20 calories. Then, you can add Sweet'N'Low, Splenda, or another type of 0 calorie sweetener for all the sugary taste and none of the guilt.

3. Ask for sugar-free syrup.


Similar to using an artificial sweetener, most coffee shops have sugar-free sweeteners for those of us who crave a specific flavor. A grande iced caramel macchiato is 250 calories, 80 of those coming from the vanilla syrup. Substituting sugar-free vanilla makes the drink 170 calories, and asking to have it made with almond milk brings it down another 70 calories to 100! This altered drink contains less calories than the generic grande Caffe Latte (190 calories), yet you still get to add some sweetness to your coffee!

4. Ask for half the syrup.


Any sweetened grande drink contains four pumps of syrup, each containing about 20 calories. A grande Caffe Mocha contains 360 calories, and asking for half the syrup will reduce the drink by 40 calories, bringing it to 320.

[Psssst.. if you ask for no whip cream, the drink is reduced by 70 more calories (now 250), and using almond milk takes away another 70 (now 180 calories).]

5. Drink it black.


It may not be the most enjoyable, at least at first, but black coffee is 0 calories (though Starbucks advertises their grande roasts as 5). You can have all you want, as long as you can handle the caffeine, with none of the guilt!

While your drinks may taste a little bit differently after following these steps, your sugar intake will decrease, and your body will thank you. Eventually, after taking these steps habitually, a generic drink will probably taste too sweet for you to even enjoy!

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