BTS on Family Feud | The Odyssey Online
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If BTS Was On Celebrity Family Feud

BTS on Celebrity Family Feud would be full of uwus.

If BTS Was On Celebrity Family Feud

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In about a week or so, everyone's favorite Korean boyband 'BTS' is set to go to the United States for the Love Yourself tour. If there is one engagement I would like for BTS to do, it's the celebrity game show 'Celebrity Family Feud' with Steve Harvey.

But honestly, what would happen?

The introductions will be extra.

When Steve asks BTS to introduce themselves on the show, expect these things:

• J-Hope to say "I'm your hope, you're my hope (sings part of 'You Are My Sunshine') I'm J-Hoooooope!"

• Jin to blow kisses to the audience.

• Yoongi throwing the emeka signs everywhere.

• Who will pull a paper heart from inside their shirt to give to Steve?

• Taehyung throwing the V sign for V.

• Insane amounts of finger hearts and making hearts with their arms.

Expect to learn Korean.


Steve would probably be fascinated with the Korean language, and BTS would be more happy to teach them. And it won't be 'annyeonghaseyo 'or saranghae.' You know what families say on Family Feud to convince Steve that their answer is on the board. I hope I have the right translation to 'it's up there' in Korean: from, it's 'Wi-e isseoyo (WEE-eh EE-se-yo).'

The boys' 'dumb answers' might be up there.

For the cutie pie goofs I know, BTS will probably give answers that either make Steve cringe, laugh, or make him look at them dead in the eye. And it's all up to J-Hope, Jimin, and Jungkook to do these skits for the answer. Steve doesn't have to do anything. Jimin, Jungkook, I see you said it on American TV. Steve might call up Mr. Bang and ask him 'what the hell are these boys into?' But when that answer gets up there, expect for minutes of laughing as hard as BTS' new hit 'Idol' slaps.

And because they are savage...

When you come to the front, don't mess with the boys at the buzzer, especially Yoongi. Boyyy I could see Yoongi telling Steve 'we're gonna play' abruptly after the opponent saying the same answer that Yoongi suggested up on the board. When the buzzer sound for the wrong answer plays, Yoongi can drag Steve to BTS side real quick.

When they win the game, crazy dancing is involved.


Imagine doing the Idol dance to the beat of the Family Feud theme song. Even better, the dance line might get a little funky while they're doing the victory dance. Twerking, shaking legs, body rolls, all that.

Then Namjoon breaks records in Fast Money like BTS' music.

With a 148 IQ, top 1.3% of the nation in Korea's university entrance exams, and a English language pro, imagine RM wrapping it up in Fast Money. It's no surprise on the first try he gets up to 200 points on the 4th question, hitting all the #1 answers. Steve wonders how RM does it in English, which is not his first language. We stan game show kings.

Steve Harvey, if you are reading this, please have BTS join on the newest episode of Celebrity Family Feud. They are very competitive, and their goofiness is well needed to improve the show's ratings.

And not to mention if they win, the Love Myself campaign for UNICEF money would be poppin'. Now that's a good answer.

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