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Student Life

44 Instagram-Worthy Bid Day Themes That Will Make You Want To Run Home All Over Again

Think about how bomb you’ll look and feel when your bid day theme comes together.

44 Instagram-Worthy Bid Day Themes That Will Make You Want To Run Home All Over Again
Megan Sutton

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Is it ever too early to be thinking about bid day? I'll answer that one for ya… The answer is a big, fat, NO. Bid day is the best day of the year, let's be honest. You get to welcome home new sisters, and you get to spoil them on their big day! Let the stress of recruitment subside (for now), and think about how bomb you'll look and feel when your bid day theme comes together.

And yes, we all know it must look perfect because it will be documented to several Instagrams, Facebooks, and pretty much every source of social media. Here are a few ideas for your fabulous bid day. No matter how big, and no matter how small your chapter may be, you are all Greek sisters to me. Happy recruiting!

1. Road Trip

2. Army

3. Coachella

5. Marble

6. Greek Goddesses

7. Color Run

8. NFL Draft Picks

Instagram: Total Sorority Move

9. Fiesta

10. Jungle

11. Tiffany & Co.

12. Southern

13. Gatsby

15. Vegas

18. Ice cream

19. Circus

20. That 70's Show

22. Disney

23. Under the Sea

25. Victoria's Secret

26. Lifeguard

27. Beach

28. Don't Mess With Texas

29. Rock 'n Roll

Personal photo

30. Cactus

31. America

32. Kate Spade

33. Donuts

34. Boho

35. Pop Art

36. Unicorns

37. Campsite

39. Beyonce

40. Wild West

42. Travel

43. Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice

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