3. “Shea Moisture” Shampoo & Conditioner ($8-15) | The Odyssey Online
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12 Natural Hair Products That Have Worked For My Hair Growth And Overall Gave Me Healthy Hair

For us curly women and new naturals who are having trouble with their hair.

12 Natural Hair Products That Have Worked For My Hair Growth And Overall Gave Me Healthy Hair

Anyone with natural and kinky hair knows the struggle of taming their hair. Sometimes, you feel like your hair has a mind of its own.

But that shouldn't hinder you from enjoying your hair! In fact, many girls who have natural hair are experiencing the same struggles as you. For those who just started their natural hair journey, I understand your frustration.

When I did the big chop back in June 2018, I didn't have any knowledge of what products worked for my hair. I was lucky enough to have support from my friends, who gave me advice on what worked for them.

Some products that were recommended to me worked really well, and some didn't have as much of an effect like I hoped it would. The thing you must accept is that these products are NOT cheap, but it is a good investment in the long run! Here are some of the few products that worked for me:

1. “As I Am” Coconut CoWash ($9-15)

For those who don't know what co-wash is, it's kind of like a conditioner you use in between shampoo days during the week. When you shampoo your hair, it strips the minerals from your hair and that's not good. That's why us women don't wash our hair every day. But with co-wash, I can use it in between shampooing, and it allows my hair to get conditioned and have the moisture it needs. But the only negative thing is that it's so damn expensive.

2. “Curls Blueberry Bliss” ANYTHING ($8-18)

This one is a little pricey as well, but it does its job! If you need a product to define your curls, hold them, and smooth them out, these are a great buy! Plus their products smell amazing.

3. “Shea Moisture” Shampoo & Conditioner ($8-15)

This is also one of my favorite conditioners because it helps with hair growth and limits breakage in my hair. I also used to have dry hair, and this really helped my hair get the moisture it needed. It is a little pricey, but it's worth it!

4. “Coconut Oil” (Pure & Unrefined) ($7-15)

This oil contains monounsaturated fatty acids and Vitamin E, which helps with hair growth, hair strength, and limits the amount of breakage on your hair. As a plus, your hair will be smooth and smell amazing.

5. “Jamaican Black Castor Oil” ($6-15)

This oil helps grow your hair and provides strength. This also plays a big role in restoring your edges. Castor Oil contains vitamins and minerals that will allow your hair to be thicker, stronger, and almost invincible when it comes to breakage. Give it a try!

6. “Eco-Styler Gel” [Green one preferably] ($5-10)

This gel is perfect for when I want to wear my hair in a slick-back bun, or if I want my hair styled in a certain way but to make loose hairs stay down. The reason why I recommend the green gel is because the other gels tend to dry fast and make your hair feel crunchy and dry. The green gel provides a lot of moisture and doesn't harden your hair, but still does its job. The only negative thing I can say about this is that it tends to flake towards the end of the day. I have heard people saying negative things about the gel, but I have never had any bad experiences and I highly recommend this!

7. “Carol’s Daughter” Pracaxi Nectar Wash N Go Leave-In ($11)

Pretty much anything by Carol's Daughter works really well for me. This leave-in conditioner softens your hair while leaving defined curls and provides sheen to it. It's a little pricey, but having healthy and good-looking hair is worth it.

8. “Cantu Shea Butter: For Natural hair” – Cleansing cream shampoo, cleansing cream conditioner, complete conditioning co-wash and leave-in conditioning cream ($6-10 EACH)

I feel like EVERYONE who has natural hair owns a bottle of Cantu products. I would have to say that this is my go-to natural hair product because it does its job. I use the shampoo and conditioner the MOST, and the leave-in does its job as well. I also recommend their co-wash in case you cannot afford "As I Am," which acts as an amazing substitute. Some products may work for you and some may not, but that's completely normal.

9. “Just For Me” Hair Milk Shampoo & Conditioner, Curl smoother and edge smoother [DO NOT USE THEIR PRODUCTS FOR RELAXERS I AM BEGGING YOU) ($5-9)

This one worked well for my hair when I became a new natural and when I wear braids. However, for relaxers/perms, DO NOT purchase. This used to be my go-to until I started using Cantu products. What I can say is that their natural hair milk makes my hair silky smooth and defines my curls, while also keeping in all of the moisture. I also use their edge smoother daily when I have braids, and overall the smell is so good!

10. Olive Oil [Extra Virgin] ($3-18 depends on size)

Like other oils, olive oil softens and strengthens the scalp. It helps get rid of dandruff and tension in your scalp. It allows you to stimulate your hair growth and overall a healthy scalp. I also use this for scalp massages as well. You can find this at any grocery store.

11. Homemade Items: Avocado, Honey and Coconut Oil Hair Mask (individual prices may vary)

So another thing I did is that I combined all of these household products together and made a hair mask. I used a whole avocado, a few tablespoons of honey, and some coconut oil. I then blended all of them, put the mixture in a spray bottle, and sprayed my hair. By doing this, I am allowing my hair to be conditioned and soft. It really helps with breakage and allows my hair to be thick.

12. "Hollywood Beauty: Tea Tree Oil" ($2-8)

Tea Tree Oil

I use this product all the time to soothe my scalp when I'm feeling irritation. This is a perfect solution for skin and scalp treatment. Plus, it smells minty!

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