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10 Of The Best Bath & Body Works Scents Your Nose Will Thank You For

Although favorite scents are often subjective to one's taste, there are still those fragrances that most people can't seem to get enough of.

bath and body works

Working at Bath and Body Works helped me learn a lot about their many different fragrance selections. When things are slow, you literally can just go around and smell everything. My first few days of work, I left with a headache from smelling too many candles and lotions.

Not only did I learn what my favorite scents are, but which ones were popular with everyone else and why. Some make perfect home fragrances while others are perfect as an everyday scent to wear to work or school. After much contemplation and some experience in the industry, these are the fragrances I feel deserve to be named the Top Ten of Bath and Body Works.

Vanilla Bean Noel

Vanilla Bean Noel proves to be popular every time it hits the shelves around Christmas time. It is basically a holiday/glorified version of warm vanilla sugar and definitely has a more unique and stronger scent (at least for one that is mainly vanilla).

Twilight Woods

Twilight woods is one of the most popular body care scents sold by Bath and Body Works. It is one of Bath and Body Works warmer scents that makes you just want to grab and blanket and cuddle up by a warm fire.

Japanese Cherry Blossom

Japanese Cherry Blossom is the oldest body care scent to remain in their signature collection. While other fragrances tend to retire eventually, this one always remains true for us to continually enjoy. There is just something luxurious about this scent that we can't get enough of.

Watermelon Lemonade

Watermelon lemonade is the perfect summertime scent, while it has retired as a body care scent, you can still get it in the home care fragrances like candles, room sprays, and hand soaps. Although if you shop their semi-annual sale, you can almost always find the retired body care items brought back out for sale for a limited time.

Black Cherry Merlot

Black cherry merlot is strictly a home care fragrance, but it is basically jolly ranchers put into a fragrance and who wouldn't want that?

Champagne Toast

Champagne toast is usually only brought out during the semi-annual sale, but since it has proven its popularity, Bath and Body Works has started to incorporate it back into their everyday products such as candles and wallflowers. If you for some reason don't personally like the scent, its packaging and popularity make for a great gift.

Sweater Weather

Sweater weather is both strictly a home care scent and a fall scent; it is anticipated year-round by those who are fall scent fanatics. When you smell this in someone's house, you know that fall is right around the corner.

Winter Candy Apple

Winter Candy Apple is the icon of Bath and Body Works Christmas fragrances. Once they finally hit the shelves, people stock up on them. And for those who can't afford to pay full price, they just wait for the after Christmas semi-annual sale to get them half off and stock up for the rest of the year.

A Thousand Wishes

A thousand wishes has proven to be so popular that it has actually won awards. When I worked at Bath and Body Works, there was about double the amount of a thousand wishes on the shelves compared to the rest of the signature scents, and believe me, there had to be.

The Original Forever Red

If there is a scent that Bath and Body Works fans have lost their minds over, it's forever red. When I worked there back in 2017, they decided to retire the scent and sell the last remaining stock during their summer semi-annual sale, and every bit of it got wiped clean. Just recently, they decided to "relaunch" forever red. Basically, the packaging is not as luxurious, but more importantly, people are not pleased with the scent, saying that it is nothing like to original and very faint. So RIP to one of the best scents ever created by bath and body works; you will 'forever' be remembered.

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