When I was a kid I always was told life isn't fair. When I was a kid I understood that if I went over to a friends house and I didn't like what was for dinner it would be nothing but disrespect to yell and scream in hopes to get my own way. I understood that if a richer classmate got a better baseball bat, hit the game-winning home run with, and my team lost, there was nothing I could do but better myself, and my team.
Based on what has happened in the last few weeks and through the election Senator Sanders weren't taught these valuable lessons.
Even if the nomination process, ( not the election of the president) isn't fair there is nothing that can or should be done but for the supporters, and Senator Sanders to better themselves.
Senator Sanders has done nothing to better himself as a possible nominee in the past, as he has an independent his entire life. Senator Sanders didn't encourage his supporters or possible supporters to register as democrats as soon as he started running in order for them to vote in the nomination process no matter what state they life in.
Senator Bernie Sanders has never sat down with the DNC to set the platform for the party and therefore has no room to complain about the values they stand for. Sanders never offered a menu item for dinner, but has no problem yelling and screaming when he got to the Table and they served chicken, and he wanted steak.
And when it comes to the money raised. He is facing the rich kid with the nicest bat, bought by his parents while he has the cheap one that he bought by saving his birthday money. He may have the less money but instead of working on his skills, and becoming better he rather yell, and cry because he struck out when there were 2 outs in the bottom of the ninth when the rich kid hit a home run.
with all analogies aside what Bernie Sanders is doing is very dangerous for people who support the Democratic Party. Bernie Sanders is using rhetoric that causes more tension than needed. In a year where very important senate races on the line the party intentions was to have a presidential race that would be without tensions, in order to help guide, and unify the party in all 50 states in order to win back the senate.
Doing this is the most effective way to in order to get domestic policies passed. And let's not forget the hateful rhetoric he uses towards Hillary Clinton the presumptive nominee for the party she and her husband has built will make Sanders, and independent fans from voting for her. A once unlikely scenario where Donald J. Trump wins the presidency becomes more of a reality.
So this next time Bernie Sanders starts complaining, about the "rigged system" he should remember lives not fair.