9. You have someone who will always be honest with you | The Odyssey Online
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Why Having A Sister Is The Best

Whether she's the youngest or the oldest, having her by your side is the best.

Why Having A Sister Is The Best
Elizabeth Ortiz

In This Article:

My sister and I have gone through many ups and downs throughout the years. From seeing each other through our very terrible fashion choices (neon green bell bottoms, 'nough said) to the joys of family trips together, we have been through it all. And I have come to the conclusion that having a sister is the best gift I ever had and these are a few reasons why:

1. You always have someone to laugh with

When you see something funny and just want to tell someone so they can laugh with you, yeah she's always there. I can't tell you how many times in college I saw something hilarious and had to call my sister to tell her because it was the kind of humor only she would understand.

2. You fight but you ALWAYS end up forgiving each other

Having a sister isn't always easy. You have huge fights and small fights over everything and anything but at the end of the day, you always end up laughing and forgiving each other. Because no matter what you still love each other and that love surpasses any arguments.

3. It’s comfortable

You don't always have to be talking or laughing. There are just moments when just being in each others presence is nice. And you don't have to worry about how you look around them because she HAS TO love you no matter what.

4. You always have someone who can go ask for ketchup

We've all been there. The moment when the whole family sits down and then you realize you forgot the ketchup. Well worry no more because your sister is already knows she has to go ask.

5. She knows how you really feel

There are two scenarios. A) you come home trying to hide your happiness because that cute boy in class talked to you and somehow she is able to detect it from miles away once she sees you or B) you aren't having the best day and try to hide it with a fake smile and somehow she already knows. She always knows how to handle each situation.

6. You always have a shoulder to cry on

Yes, there are those moments in life when everything is going wrong. Those moments when you're failing all your classes or a boy just broke your heart and you just need a hug from your sister and her shoulder to cry on.

7. You’re never alone

I can't imagine what life without my sister would be like. It would all just be so… boring and lonely. She is able to make every situation feel a little more like an adventure. And without her, my life wouldn't be the same.

8. You always have someone to take cute pictures of you

Wherever you go on family trips or to any place looking cute, you always have a professional photographer with you. She knows your best angle and will take as many pictures as it takes to get that insta-worthy shot.

9. You have someone who will always be honest with you

You have someone who is 100% real with you. If you ask her "Do I look fat in this dress?," you better expect the most honest answer. She will always tell you if you have something between your teeth and if you need to change your outfit because that's how much she loves you.

10. You guys have so many inside jokes

There's always those moments when you look at each other and start laughing and no one else understands why.

11. You always have someone cheering you on

Whether you have a dance show or a soccer match, your sister is always there to show her support. And you always want her there so she can be proud of you.

12. You always have someone to sing with you

If you break out into a song in the kitchen and your sister hears you and she will for sure finish the lyric from another room. And during long family road trips you sing along together to your favorite jams with no care in the world of how you sound. It's the best.

13. You have a partner in crime for life

No matter what crazy things happen throughout your lifetime, your sister is always going to be there for you. And she is always going to love you.

Having a sister is the best and I am grateful to God for giving me such an amazing sister because without her my life just wouldn't be the same! I love you sis!

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