2. Go to a haunted house | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

I'm Determined To Do All 20 Of These Things Before I Turn 20

Shooting someone whilst simultaneously making them look like a rainbow? Sign me up!!!!!!!!!!

baby angeles
Cuevas Family

I will be looking up this list next year and see how much I did. Pictures will be included of my trips!

1. Go on a road trip with my friends


I love traveling and I am hoping to go on a vacation with some friends by next year

2. Go to a haunted house

If I don't look like Kermit, I want my money back

Every year I tell myself I will finally go to a haunted house and every year I find another excuse not to go but this year will be different (I say confidently).

3. Visit my family in Mexico


My grandparents are some of the funniest people I know and I miss them so much. I also have two new baby cousins I haven't met. My cousins/siblings who I basically grew up with are over there. I just need to pack my bags and leave.

4. Canada road trip


Listen, I know I clearly have a lot of traveling in my bucket list but this one is the one that bothers me the most. I can literally walk to the Ambassador Bridge from my house and yet, I have never been.

5. Shoot paint balls at people


Shooting someone whilst simultaneously making them look like a rainbow? Sign me up!!!!!!!!!!

6. Watch five movies from my "next time" jar


I have a jar compiled of movies I always wanted to go see that I couldnt because by the time I could, they were out of theaters. It also contains movies that other people think I must watch. Big Daddy is at the top of that list.

7. Learn a basic understanding of sign language

This is just a reminder that FLINT STILL DOES NOT HAVE CLEAN WATER!


This is just a reminder that FLINT STILL DOES NOT HAVE CLEAN WATER!

I have always been drawn to sign language but unfortunately, it has never been offered at any institution I have been a part of. Therefore, I hope to teach myself a little through YouTube or other programs and have a basic understanding of it.

8. Make a recipe book of my mom's dishes

This seemed appropriate considering this is what happened to me whenever I took my moms food anywhere (Zebra= humans)


My mom is the best cook in the world. This is not up for debate. So I hope to be able to write down all of her recipes in a book and cherish it forever!

9. Do fifty service hours


It doesn't matter where I volunteer as long as I am making a difference in someone's day. Who knows, maybe I will go on a mission trip again! Last time was phenomenal!

10. Go to a music festival


I dont care what kind or where it is I just know I have got to go to one ASAP!

11. Sign up for a fun and creative class


Pottery, Improv, Dancing, etc. I am signing up for one and who knows, maybe I will learn how to make pottery next year!

12. Write a creepypasta


I love reading and listening to them but whenever I have to write one my mind just blanks out and I lose all of my motivation

13. Learn how to dance cumbia


I am probably the worst cumbia dancer I know. My boyfriend, my best friend, my cousins, everyone I know has tried to help me but I just can't seem to get it.

14. Plan a mother-daughter weekend


I love my mom so much and with work, school, etc. it just feels like I am always having to choose between her and other stuff. Don't get me wrong, I still choose her more times often than not but I think a weekend with just us will definitely help.

15. Let a friend blindfold me and take me on an adventure


I know to you it seems like a great idea, possibly fun, but this is more of a life or death situation because my friends can never be fully trusted. However, I am also sure some of you understand what I mean. Our friends are out of control and quite frankly letting them take me wherever they please could possibly get me somewhere crazy but maybe this year I will finally accept my fate.

16. Pull at least 10 pranks


Whether it be jump scaring people at the supermarket or changing out the vanilla ice cream for mayo, I need to at least pull 10 pranks before next year.

17. Go geocaching


It is something I have always had an interest in. I always download apps and read articles but I have yet to actually go do it.

18. Go to a comedy show


Everyone loves to laugh. Period. No explanation needed.

19. Go on a family trip


My family is generally pretty huge but my parents and I never really go anywhere anymore where it is just the three of us. However, this year that will definitely change!

20. Bury a timecapsule


This is probably my favorite one and something I will for sure be doing. Not quite sure what I will bury in it yet but I will figure it out once I get there.

I hope you enjoyed. Turning 19 in less than a week has helped me realize I should probably make one of these every year. Who know, maybe I leave this bucket list with pictures of the adventures in the time capsule?!

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