"Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy"- Queen (1976) | The Odyssey Online
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20 Underrated 70s Gems That Will Make You Question Your Music Choices Now.

How groovy.

20 Underrated 70s Gems That Will Make You Question Your Music Choices Now.

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We already have some great new music in 2021, but I want to throw it back to a decade that I wasn't even alive in. During the 1970s, there were lots of big name stars on the rise and different genres to explore like much-beloved disco. Instead of focusing on the songs that everybody except those living under a rock have heard of like Dancing Queen or Bohemian Rhapsody, I compiled songs that aren't as well known (especially to younger generations). They might have been big in their prime, but they don't get attention anymore... until now. Hopefully, everyone can find at least one new tune to jam out to.

"Philadelphia Freedom"- Elton John (1975)

Yeah, there was a lot of options for this one.

"Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy"- Queen (1976)

I've heard a lot of Queen songs over the years, but funnily enough, I first heard this on TikTok.

"Magic Man"- Heart (1975)

A song so good it must be magic (I'm sorry. I'm trying here, people).

"Head Games"- Foreigner (1979)

The thumbnail of this video is kind of creeping me out.

"Wait For Me"- Hall & Oates (1979)

Proud Hall & Oates fan, there I said it.

"I Don't Want to Know"- Fleetwood Mac (1977)

One of the most iconic albums of the decade obviously had to make the list.

"Flashlight"- Parliment (1977)

Pick a household object and make a song about it- certified bop.

"Shout It Out Loud"- KISS (1976)

Rumor has it, their tongues are never actually inside their mouths.

"The Rubberband Man"- The Spinners (1976)

I think I heard this one in a commercial.

"Rock'n Me"- Steve Miller Band (1976)

This one definitely rocks lol (Ouch, that was painful).

"Vienna"- Billy Joel (1977)

If you like this version, then check out the Ben Platt cover of it too.

"Fox On The Run"- Sweet (1974)

I just feel like this song's bound to get you amped up.

"Right Back Where We Started From"- Maxine Nightingale (1976)

I swore I first heard this bop in a movie when I was younger, but I can't figure out which one... Under further review, I have figured out that it was An Extremely Goofy Movie. Go figure.

"If It Wasn't For The Nights"- ABBA (1979)

It couldn't be the 70s without them.

"Saturday Night"- Bay City Rollers (1974)

Never has spelling ever been more fun.

"Brand New Key"- Melanie (1971)

It might be the oldest song on this list, but that doesn't mean it ever gets old.

"Tragedy"- Bee Gees (1979)

I know it's a true tragedy, but you're almost to the end of the list (still got a few more though).

"Higher Ground"- Stevie Wonder (1973)

Had to make sure I got the king on here.

"Since You Been Gone"- Rainbow (1979)

You don't understand how much I used to listen to this song a year ago.

"Rasputin"- Boney M. (1978)

This one is a whole cinematic experience.

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