Stevie Nicks is rock royalty. She is arguably one of the most influential female artists of all time and has inspired a generation of female performers. She started out performing with her lover Lindsey Buckingham, then her and Lindsey Buckingham both joined Fleetwood Mac in 1975, and then in 1998 Fleetwood mac was inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame. She is also rumored to be a witch and has claimed to have practiced Wicca, which gives her music this other level of appeal. She is the considered the “white witch of rock” and has become one of my favorite singers of all time. Her music is magical and striking, so I hope that this list of my top picks allows you to hear how wonderful she is.
10. "Go Your Own Way" - Fleetwood Mac - "Rumors"
Behind the song: Buckingham wrote this song as a message to Nicks. It is so obviously about their break up and the lines; “packing up, shacking up is all you want to do” was a line Nicks wanted to change but Buckingham refused. This was their first hit from the album "Rumors" and eventually "Rumors"became one of their best-selling records.
Meaning of the song: The song's meaning to me is longing for someone who is bad for you. I believe what Buckingham was trying to tell Nicks was, “I will give everything that I am to you. My love, loyalty, and devotion is all yours for the taking but if that’s not good enough for you then go your own way.”
Reason for the pick: The reason I picked this song for my top 10 is because it is fast paced and a fun break up song. It is for the girls and boys who have everything to give but the person they love or loved does not think that is good enough. Well who needs them right? Bump them.
9. "The Chain" - Fleetwood Mac - "Rumors"
Behind the song: Nicks wrote this about Buckingham as their relationship began deteriorating. Ironically, they share vocals on this song.
Meaning of the song: Nicks felt trapped in her relationship with Lindsey. She did not trust him like she once did and in the lyrics, “Damn your love, damn your lies,” it sounds like she is accusing him of being unfaithful to her. So this was her way of saying, “It is over now so let me go. I don’t think you really love me.”
Reason for the pick: I love how the sound is classic Southern Rock. The instruments are very grungy and raspy, which makes everything in the song sound angry and scary. It is a great song for feeling empowered.
8. "Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around" - Stevie Nicks and Tom Petty
Behind the song: As a joke Nicks asked Tom Petty if they could record a song together for her first solo record, when he was recording his album "Damn the Torpedoes." Of course at the time it did not happen but a year later Petty remembered her request so he and his band recorded "Stop Draggin' My Heart Around" and sent the demo to her. “That’s what I wanted all along” Nicks said and so later the song became a duet.
Meaning of the song: This song has many layers. I believe the song is about being in a relationship with someone who does not exactly know what they want. Like one minute they could love and the next they could want nothing to do with you. They continuously have you hanging on by a thread. You want to let them go, but for some reason you can’t. You just wish they would stop draggin’ your heart around. It could also be about being in a relationship that is just plain out bad for you and you're emotionally abused by the person.
Reason for the pick: It is the combination of their vocals that just makes me adore this song. It is very edgy and very Rock and Roll. I also can tell they really enjoyed singing the song together.
7. "Landslide" - Fleetwood Mac
Behind the song: Nicks wrote this song about a father-daughter relationship. She was inspired by her father and she wrote this five minutes outside of Aspen, Colorado. She was passing by a snow covered mountain and thought, “Wow at any second that snow could come tumbling down and there would be nothing I could do about it." When she thinks about things like that she goes and writes down her thoughts. That is how she wrote "Landslide."
Meaning of the song: This song can be related to life and relationships. You can tell she was really thinking about the advice her parents had given her and she wanted to share that same advice to everyone. We are all afraid of change. We all see ourselves as who we are now, and knowing that we are getting older is scary. As we get older we face problems that as a child we could not comprehend but the song tells us not to worry about it. When the time comes to face the inevitable we will know what to do.
Reason for the pick: The Folk sound and the lyrics really send this home for me. I often play this song when I am worried or when I feel lost. After I listen to it I remember that everything happens for a reason and that everything will happen as it should. There is a plan for everyone and as we get older we will know what to do. For right now embrace who you are and later on enjoy the change you will experience because it is beautiful.
6. "Dreams" - Fleetwood Mac - "Rumors"
Behind the song: So for a period during the creation of "Rumors" everyone in the band was going through a break up and they were on a lot of drugs. They were all writing songs individually and the end result was "Dreams." Nicks complied different lyrics they had all written together and created this song.
Meaning of the song: This is about how relationships are often fleeting and depressingly most of them will not work out. The chorus reveals the idea of how most relationships are and the line, “When the rain washes you clean then you’ll know” is when you finally earn clarity after you’ve gotten over that person. It is when you realize that person was not the right one for you anyway.
Reason for the pick: It is very dreamy sounding song, which is presumed by the title. I love the words of the chorus because it is nicely worded and powerful. It is also a very good reflection song.
5. "Gypsy" - Fleetwood Mac - "Mirage"
Behind the song: This song was a tribute to her friend Robin Anderson who was dying of Leukemia. The song was originally meant for her solo album "Bella Donna" but because she did not have room for it on the record, it instead was added to Fleetwood Mac’s "Mirage" album.
Meaning of the song: It is essentially about missing your childhood but that mentally you are allowed to enjoy your inner child.
Reason for the pick: It brings back memories from when I was a little girl playing outside and how I loved nature. It makes me want to go back to the way I was when I was a child.
4. "Sara" - Fleetwood Mac
Behind the song: Nicks wrote this song about Sara Recor, a singer and model. At the time she was secretly dating Mick Fleetwood but then broke up with him for Sara. She dedicated this song to her but it is also rumored that this song was about a child she miscarried. So she would have named her child, if it had been born, Sara.
Meaning of the song: It is just a wonderful love song about being completely immersed in someone’s mind, body and spirit.
Reason for the pick: It is a very mystical and romantic song. The song itself sounds like a dedication to mother earth or one’s inner muse.
3. "Rhiannon" - Fleetwood Mac
Behind the song: So this song was meant to be for the second Buckingham and Nicks album but then they joined Fleetwood Mac so the song was given to them. She also wrote this song after she heard the name Rhiannon.
Meaning of the song: The song is about a magical and mysterious woman, like a witch. Charming and wonderful. Like Rhiannon can show you an entirely different world.
Reason for the pick: I think this song shows Stevie’s wiccan side. I think its unique and it was also featured on "American Horror Story: Coven." I love lore about witches and this song describes the modern witch.
2. "Leather and Lace" - Stevie Nicks and Don Henley
Behind the song: This song is about her past relationships. She dated many prominent music men in the industry (including Henley). This is a dedication to all of those relationships because many of them remained her friends and colleagues.
Meaning of the song: The song is about being in a relationship and how relationships are about giving and taking from the other person.
Reason for the pick: I love their voices together and the music is fabulous. I would not expect any less that perfection from these legends anyway.
1. "Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You?" - Stevie Nicks
Behind the song: The story goes that one winter night Nicks was riding with Joe Walsh up a mountain. She did not know where they were going and the entire way she claimed that she was complaining about anything and everything. After a while of driving Walsh finally stopped at this little park and he got out. He started talking about how he once took his daughter to the park before she died of cancer. He pointed out a fountain saying that she could never really reach the fountain without help. Walsh then walked Nicks over to this tree and hanging in this tree was a tiny silver fountain that had inscribed on it, “For all of those who couldn’t reach the fountain." This inspired Nicks to write this song for him and his daughter.
Meaning of the song: The song is meant for those who are broken. For the ones who do not believe anyone loves them or they think they are not good enough. This song is for you. It was written to let you know that you have worth and that someone in this world thinks the world of you and even if you don’t know it that there is hope you will realize it.
Reason for the pick: The meaning and the music. This is one of the most beautiful songs she has ever written and it is an amazing song to show to someone who is suicidal or depressed.
Stevie Nicks is one of my favorite artists of all time and is truly the white witch of rock. She has been a huge part of my life and I hope you appreciate her as much as I do.