Micaela Wilbourn on OdysseyMicaela Wilbourn
Micaela Wilbourn

Micaela Wilbourn

Username: micaelawilbourn

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    I never thought I would be at a community college, but while I was away during my first semester of college my mom got sick and I made the decision over winter break I would not be returning to school. Yet, what was most surprising to me wasn’t the fact that I ended up loving College of DuPage more than College of Wooster; it was the fact that I have learned more in my one semester here, while still being at home, than I would have if I had stayed away. The Odyssey is a platform for writers to give a voice to the voiceless. These are articles written by students for students and also, for parents. This online society has allowed people from all over the country and world view life from the lens of a fast-food employee, a girl with a broken heart, the guy who learned humility—yet these stories aren’t new, they’re relatable. Writing has always been a passion of mine. I love to write, but I also love to read great writing, especially when it is written by a fellow student. As a writer, there is nothing better than knowing your piece resonated with people, made them think, or even changed their opinion about a topic. And isn’t that the goal, as a writer? To connect with your audience? I know I would be more than honored to write for The Odyssey and be able to bring my voice and skills to your platform. I started a blog, not too long ago, about the life of a McDonalds employee. I did so because there are so many employees out there who are constantly trying to explain how difficult our job is. Yes, we aren’t moving heavy boxes, or working in a mine, but we are dealing with the public. Each day we deal with over 200 or more customers in a 9 hour time span. That is over 200 different personalities, not including children. Although the posts are simple and to the point, it has given a voice to the many individuals who have shared the posts. (My blog is currently on pause due to a battle with HR over its content, that should hopefully be over soon). But here is a link: https://mcdonaldsmadness.wordpress.com/ I want to work with Odyssey because I know I have the passion, I just need the platform and resources to do so.

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