McKenna Ross on Odyssey McKenna Ross
McKenna Ross

McKenna Ross

Username: itsmemckenna

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    My name's McKenna, and I read a lot. (I should probably get that tattooed on my forehead.)

    I'm a sophomore at Denison University in Granville, Ohio. Being a history major means I read a lot about dead guys, railroads, and how racism in the United States still hasn't dwindled despite our consistent claims, so I like to take breaks and write articles that aren't exactly about... well, ANY of that. Of course, being at a liberal arts college, I read and write a lot of stuff anyway, so I like to branch out. I love Harry Potter more than anything in the world, right next to culture, Shakespeare, a strong cup of tea, and koalas. I would love to write a real novel one day and get it published, but as of now, I don't have time, 'cause I'm drowning in the readings from the aforementioned history class.

    I hope to write a lot about topics that are near and dear to me, and I hope that I can incite a sort of burning passion within you to change the world. If I do that, then I've done my job.


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