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10 Shows To Watch Over Winter Break

Finals are over and you have survived, barely, so now it is time to #treatyoself.

10 Shows To Watch Over Winter Break

As the semester goes on and our classes grow more and more difficult, watching television is definitely not a priority. However, now that finals are over and the only thing on your schedule for the next month are awkward family interactions it is time to reward your hard work with some quality television. During the semester, it is easy to get sucked in to just watching a quick episode of Friends or New Girl after a long day, but now that you are free from all that stress, here are (blank) addicting shows to get sucked into over winter break while you avoid telling your parents your grades from this semester.

1. "Outlander"

This show combines my three favorite things: fantasy, history, and a steamy romance. "Outlander" chronicles the adventures of Claire Randall, a WW2 combat nurse who is inexplicably transported back in time from 1945 to the 18th Century Scottish Highlands and into the throws of the Scottish fight for independence. While trying to figure out a way to get back to her century and her husband, she falls in love with the sexiest redhead I have ever seen in my life, Jamie Fraser. Based on the book series by Diana Gabaldon, this show will constantly have you saying "just one more episode."

2. "The Bold Type"

If you love some strong female characters, then look no further. "The Bold Type" follows three best friends working for the same magazine in New York City (now, isn't that just the dream?) and the ups and downs of their careers, romances, and friendships. While I wouldn't exactly call this high-brow television, it is a cute and witty comedy that will keep you hooked.

3. "The Good Place"

This somewhat morbid comedy has taken Netflix by storm and for good reason. When Eleanor Shellstrop finds herself in the afterlife, she realizes she is in "the good place," although, she believes that she is there by mistake and, as you can expect, hilarity ensues. With the quirky and adorable Kristen Bell leading this cast, it is very difficult not to love every episode.

4. "Dogs"

If you prefer reality shows or documentaries over fiction and you like crying, then this is the show for you. Each episode tells a different moving and beautiful tale of the special bond that dogs and humans share. Humans would move mountains and cross oceans for their furry friends, and, as this show proves, they would do the same for us. Just make sure you have your dog and a box of tissues close by because it is impossible not to cry watching this.

5. "Elite"

Think "Gossip Girl," but with murder. This show tells the story of three working-class teens who enroll at Spain's most elite high school and quickly learn that "having it all" means facing dire consequences. This Spanish murder-mystery is sexy and gripping and will constantly leave you wanting more. Plus throw in some devastatingly handsome Spanish men and some NSFW moments and you have your new addiction.

6. "Queer Eye"

Let's be honest, Netflix has been absolutely killing the game recently and this documentary series is no exception. A remake of the 2000s hit television series "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy," this funny and heartfelt show will have you laughing and crying all at the same time. Also, Jonathan Van Ness is a gift to this world and we do not deserve him.

7. "Shitt's Creek"

This show has made me laugh until I have almost peed my pants on countless occasions. This series follows the Rose family who go from living in a multi-million dollar mansion in L.A. to a small town in the middle of bumfuck nowhere after they lose everything. Written by the hilarious father-son duo of Eugene and Daniel Levy, this show pokes fun at small-town U.S.A. as the Rose family adjusts to their new life, a life with fewer macchiatos and much more manure.

8. "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel"

This feminist comedy chronicles the life of Midge Maisel, a 1950s Jewish housewife whose life is thrown into a tailspin after her husband abruptly leaves her. Having no means by which to make money, she discovers the one thing that can never be taken away from her: her sense of humor. Performing in dingy clubs all over New York and New Jersey, Midge makes a name for herself with her raunchy humor and passionate delivery while managing to find herself again along the way. #GirlPower, am I right?

9. "The Crown"

Ever wonder how the Queen of England came to be so badass? Well, this show tells you everything you need to know about the life of the 92-year-old firecracker and the different trials and tribulations she has undergone during her reign. Headlined by the breathtaking Claire Foy, this show offers fantastic insight into 20th century Britain and The Royal Family in an utterly enthralling way.

10. "Game of Thrones"

If you aren't watching the series that has taken the world by storm, I honestly don't know what you're doing with your life. The 8th and final season premieres in April so you've got a lot of catching up to do, but, trust me, it's more than worth it.

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