4. White elephant vs teapot. | The Odyssey Online
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The Top 10 Jim And Pam Moments

How the Halperts stole our hearts.

The Top 10 Jim And Pam Moments

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If, like me, you have the constant urge to drop everything you're doing and flip on "The Office" at a moment's notice, then you're aware of the original ship: Jim and Pam, Pam and Jim, the Halperts. From mere friendly coworkers to husband and wife, times change around Dunder Mifflin, and we're along for the ride.

Since the start of season one, hints were evident of more to come between Jim and Pam. We saw the occasional glances, friendly chatter, and complete comfort in each others presence.

These were the top 10 Jim and Pam moments I felt were most representative of their budding romance, and which began the craze around them as our favorite couple.

10. Dundies!!!


I feel like this moment isn't addressed by Pam in any manner after this night, which makes me wonder if she even remembers it. But that's besides the point, because at this particular Dundies, drunk Pam revealed her true feelings toward one of her coworkers, and leaves us on the edge of our seat wondering what happens next.

9. Casino night.


Casino night Jim stole all of our hearts when he confessed his true feelings for Pam. Jim knew that this could be his last chance with Pam before she married Roy, and showed how much he loved her.

8. Sharing music: real life sliding in the dms.


Throwback to the adorable hidden cameraman capture of Jim and Pam sharing earbuds after working a late night. Although apart, their body language and expressions showed how critical small moments like these were in the development of their feelings toward each other.

7. Jim asks Pam out to dinner.


After Jim returned from Stamford with girlfriend Karen, Pam had given up on them ending up together. That was until Jim burst in on this interview with Pam and asked her out to dinner, as a date, after breaking up with Karen.

6. "First date"


The real first date between Jim and Pam, which consisted of grilled cheese, and true friendship.

5. The proposal.


The Office is the only show that could glamorize this gas station proposal and make it a dream come true. The rushed excited meeting after being separated, as well as the Hollywood raining background, created the most Jim and Pam proposal I can think of.

4. White elephant vs teapot.


The first time Jim attempted to confess his feelings. Although he chickened out, he still put a lot of thought into his gift, and demonstrated how well he knows Pam.

3. Waterfall marriage.


The waterfall background of their marriage was gorgeous, but the tie cut is what took home the gold. When Pam has a breakdown about her ripped veil, Jim doesn't hesitate and cuts off a large chunk of his tie to match their imperfect perfection.

2. Mixed berry yogurt.


When Jim says that he can't leave the office because "what will he do with all this useless information in his head". One of his points being that Pam's favorite flavor of yogurt is mixed berry. Seemingly insignificant, but Jim paying attention to and caring enough to remember this factoid is representative of how important Pam is in his brain.

1. Pam's parents divorce.


In 'Stress Relief', Pam is informed that after a long marriage, her parents are getting divorced. This creates tension because Jim had just talked to Pam's dad and may be the reason for this split. Pam tries to get to the bottom of this, and after talking to her dad, tells Jim that Pam's dad realized he never felt for his wife the way Jim confessed his love for Pam. An unfortunate incident as such, showed us how powerful their love is.

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