Campus Crime Is Too Common And Students Need To Be More Aware
Hopefully, one-by-one, our actions will make this world a safer place for college students.
As we all know too well, the world we live in is a dangerous place. There are people who fight, people who kill, people who kidnap, people who drug others, and so many others who cause harm. As much as I wish that we all could take life day-by-day not having to take precautions for our safety, we, unfortunately, have to constantly be aware of everything that is happening around us. I feel that the simple fact that I am a college student puts me at risk of being the target for many crimes, two of them being abduction for human trafficking and false Ubers, as many incidents like those occur on college campuses.
If you've been following the news lately, I'm sure you've heard about the University of South Carolina student who was killed by a man that she assumed was her Uber driver. Reading about her death was disturbing to me on a number of levels, as no woman should ever have to endure something so terrible. Ever since I first heard about it, my thoughts have continued to think about her family and what was ripped from them by someone so evil. It is situations like these that force us to realize that the world is not as safe as we think it is and that even if we're in some place familiar, you shouldn't feel comfortable enough to let your guard down about being alert of your surroundings.
As a college student, I'm here to tell you that you must never let that guard down. You have to look out for yourself because truth is, nobody really looks out for us. Between the sexual assault amongst campuses throughout the nation, human trafficking, reports of missing/dead students, and other campus crimes, you are never truly safe, no matter how secure your university says you are. With that being said, we must take precaution for ourselves.
No matter if you're Ubering alone or with a group, you should always make sure that the license plate and car model matches the one on your app. Something that my friends and I do is ask the driver who they are picking it up. This also allows you to confirm if your Uber is actually your Uber, as it keeps who you are confidential and they wouldn't know your name unless they're your actual driver. It's also beyond important that you never travel alone. I know that saying "use the buddy system" is a cliche, but seriously... use the buddy system! If for some reason you absolutely have to ride alone, pay attention to if your driver is going the right way and keep your phone handy. You must always stay cautious in those situations because you can literally never trust anybody.
You should always know how to defend yourself. I think that it's a good idea to keep pepper spray on you. Hopefully, you'll buy it and never even have to use it, but I know it's much safer to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. I've heard far too many stories of people getting followed or of attempts of kidnapping that have made me feel like everyone needs to have a way to defend themselves. Going along with defending yourself, if you're out you need to always keep an eye on your drink. It is so easy for someone to slip something into your drink when you're not paying attention. Whether someone is trying to spike your drink for "fun", to see what happens, for sexual motives, etc., it is way more common than you'd think and it's something that nobody deserves to experience.
Lastly, don't ever be a bystander. I know there's always this social pressure to act a certain way around others, but if you ever notice that someone is not OK, be there for them. If you see somebody highly intoxicated and they are not doing well, help them! Binge drinking is a huge factor in student deaths along with hazing and not properly taking care of someone who needs help. If you see someone struggling to breathe, repeatedly vomiting, or just acting in ways that you know they need medical attention, do the right thing and call for help. You could save someone's life by choosing not to be a bystander. Also, never be afraid to defend someone who is clearly too intoxicated to go home with someone.
Sexual assault happens so easily on college campuses because it mostly happens when people are out at parties. If you see someone being taken advantage, intervene and help them. Someone being intoxicated in no way, shape, or form means that they're asking for it. Be a good person and help those in need. If you were ever in a dangerous situation, I know that you would want people to help you, too.
Now with all the negative talk I've spoken about college safety, it doesn't mean that you can't enjoy your time. Make memories and have a blast, just be responsible. I am seeing more and more headlines of people going missing or dying when these numbers should be decreasing. Of course, I know it's none of these victim's faults and every time I see one of these headlines, my heart gets heavy. It hits way too close to home. Those victims could be any of us. Although it's terrible to live in a world where we have to constantly look over our shoulder, we all belong in this world for a reason. Stay aware and help those in need, whether you do it in person or call for help. Help is help and you should never feel guilty for asking for it or being the one to give it. Hopefully, one-by-one, our actions can help make this world a safer place for college students.