As A Woman, I Don't Think Men Are Swimming In A Pool Of Privilege, We Need International Men’s Day
Men are our providers and protectors.
Most of you have probably heard about International Women's Day with Snapchat filters, Google Doodles, and "the day without women" started by the Women's March, but have you ever heard about a holiday where the accomplishments of men are celebrated? Such a holiday is in existence and it's called International Men's Day.
International Men's Day was started by Thomas Oaster and was enacted on February 7th, 1992, with the intentions of the promotion of gender equality, highlighting male role models, and focusing on the health and wellbeing of men and boys. Despite what you hear from leftist academia and media, men and boys aren't swimming in a pool of privilege and still face hardships in life. Many of you heard about the phrase "toxic masculinity," which is the concept of how a traditional male should behave based on society's expectations. The most common solution to this problem of "toxic masculinity" is to get rid of it, but that is of no help.
This concept of "toxic masculinity" starts as early as grade school, with boys getting harsher punishments than their female counterparts. Why is this the case though? According to the book, "Reaching Boys, Teaching Boys: Strategies That Work and Why," boys are far more likely than girls to get expelled from preschool, get diagnosed for learning disorders and attention problems, and are less likely to do homework. This type of observance plays a role in the teacher's grading criteria which is more biased toward behavior than academics.
Schools have to realize that boys and girls aren't the same when it comes to learning. Girls are more interested in fiction, magazines, and poetry while boys are more interested in comics and nonfiction. School libraries should be more supplied with this type of literature, says Keith J. Topping, a professor at the University of Dundee in Scotland says.
This devaluing of masculinity continues on into higher education, with young men enrolling at college at a much lower rate. There is also a notion that "rape culture" is running rampant on college campuses which have led to the hostility of these young men attending their respective institutions. The same young men are brought before a campus judiciary committee, who were educated by this thought of "rape culture," and are named openly while being charged with rape, despite the lack of corroboration. In some cases, due process is nonexistent and if found guilty can lead to a life-long smear of lies.
When it comes to proving this heinous crime, there are often two sides of the story, Side A and Side B. It can be possible that one or both of the sides can be deceptive toward authorities and these same authorities, in some cases, have to depend on word of mouth due to the lack of physical evidence.
This idea of "toxic masculinity" is a method used by third wave radical feminists to undermine the hardships that men and boys often experience. If a man has no masculinity, then he will not stop the man that is wicked and has too much masculinity. You can't remove the aggression, violence, and ambition from the male psyche if you tried. If harnessed properly it can lead to war and tyranny ending, building businesses and economies, and family and community support.
Men are our providers and protectors, and we need to acknowledge this day that celebrates what our husbands, fathers, brothers, and sons, go through on a daily basis and the much more difficult adversities they have to endure. So the next time when you underestimate a man's worth, remember that he has feelings of his own and that he's ready to put his life on the line to protect you and the people you care about. Happy International Men's Day.