If You Really Want To Make A Change, Protesting Isn't The Only Way To Do It
There are other smarter ways to get your message out, without starting a big riot .
When it comes to making changes in our society and maintaining a safe world, people either jump on social media to vent their disapproval, threaten to boycott, or gather a crowd and begin protesting with signs and loud voices. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are great for communicating with family and friends, but when it comes to sending messages of political or social changes, it can either go well or backfire. With social media, everything from good intentions to personal issues can spread uncontrollably like wildfire. Promoting your cause using these platforms can work, but there are other less dangerous and more resourceful ways to enact change without acting like animals.
Inform and educate friends on issues.
When something happens in life, no matter how good or bad, people immediately start talking about it on social media because if it was not photographed or shared, nobody would believe it happened. However, one of the most powerful ways to lead people towards helping the community is educating them on problems that affect themselves and society. During free time, reading books (yes, Kindles are okay) and staying up to date on important issues might give you the motivation to endorse change in society.
Start a GoFundMe page.
Raising money for a charity is another way you can engage with activism within your community. By asking family and friends to donate in support of a good cause, you are helping others. Selfless acts will make you stand out from the crowd and will provide you with the confidence to fight for those who need assistance in a time of need.
Go to a Town Hall meeting.
If you do not want to get out and protest in the streets, another way to speak about important problems is attending a Town Hall. At these meetings, you can talk to politicians about various issues that you want to change. This is a more personal and formal way of getting your message out to people in government positions.
Express how you feel visually.
You do not have to be a professional artist to display your feelings about political, social, or cultural issues. Making signs, paintings, creating digital art (with the help of software programs) or just expressing your opinion in writing are different ways to make your voice heard. Words can influence the world in a positive and negative way, so remember that you can use artwork or your voice to help make a difference in the world.
Sign a petition.
Websites like Change.org provide the community petitions that were started by people that want to resolve issues and pressure companies and politicians to change their ways. Every signature counts, so make sure to share the petition even if you cannot donate money at the moment. This is where social media comes in handy, so be sure to spread the message on your favorite platforms.
One person cannot do everything, but it takes courage to stand up for the rights of people.
Performing research on social movement groups, volunteering with your local church, or even changing bad habits is beneficial to society. If one person does an unselfish act, this might give others inspiration to make a difference in society, and make them believe that a peaceful and unified world is worth fighting for.