Be The Change You Want To See In This World
Don't be a follower, be a leader.
It is not uncommon for us to hear about tragic events happening in the world every day. It is not uncommon for us to get irritated by how people treat others. It is not uncommon for us to be upset about how others have treated us. This happens every day, whether that be to us or someone we know. In this world, it's so uncommon for us to not see the negative making our ways to our hearts. So we each as individuals have to see the change in the world, find the change in the world, and to be the change in the world.
Someone hurts your feelings because they are being mean. Many people would just be mean back, but that does not help the situation. This is the start of a continuous cycle. Instead, show that person kindness. Show the kindness you have in your heart.
You hear that many people in your community do not have enough money for their basic needs. Instead of reading about it and forgetting about it, use your time and money to help a person in need.
You see people have committed suicide on your campus. Instead of just reading about it, be intentional about how you treat others every day.
You cry because you feel so alone in a world so large. So, instead of being in that continuous state, be a good friend to someone that you met and continue to be a good friend to your life long friends.
You see others treating people like janitors and those who serve us food everyday horribly. So, you treat them with extra kindness and show appreciation to those people who help us daily.
There are many horrible things that happen to us and the people around us every day. Many people want to see change, but they won't even do something as simple as changing the way they treat others. It starts with us. It starts with one person who decides they want different, not only for them but for the people around them. If we each do our small part in the world we will see a vast difference in our lives, our friends and families lives, and our world. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it to see the change in our communities and in our world that will make an everlasting difference for generations to come.