Student Life
15 Things You Should Say To Yourself Every Day
Everyone needs a little positivity so why not be the person to share it?
27 March 2019
Every day is a gift, so treat them like that.
1. Today is going to be a good day!
2. I was given another day and I am thankful!
3. I love you! (to friends, family, significant other, whoever)
4. I can make a difference today!
5. People change, and there is nothing you can do to fix that. It's life!
6. I am strong!
7. I am doing my best!
8. Life does go on!
9. It seems hard now, but things will get better!
10. I believe in myself and the things that I do!
11. I am enough, and always will be enough!
12. People's opinions don't define me.
13. Say a prayer, no matter what time it is or where you are - a quick two minute prayer can change a day completely.
14. I CAN do anything I set my mind to!
15. I am loved!
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