Having A Bad Job Is An Uphill Battle That's Constantly Challenging My Sanity
When do you decide that "enough is enough" when it comes to the way you make a living?
Is having a job worth it if it costs your sanity? Any sane person would say no, but anyone who has a job would also probably say no. Having a dream job is, well, a dream, but you have to go through a few crap jobs or internships to get to your goal. In a rare occasion, someone can find a job they love, which is great, but it's uncommon.
It's a catch-22 because on one hand, you are making money and you can sustain a living. But on the other hand, if you're constantly miserable and you hate your life when you're working, then what's the point? I know money isn't supposed to buy happiness, but money can help you just live the bare minimum. Which is better than nothing. So your options are either be miserable and survive or feel better and have nothing to live off of.
Why don't you find another job? Great question. I, too, ask myself that question every time I go to work. It's more complicated than that. If I could snap my fingers and switch jobs, then I would. To find another job would even more difficult because you would have to find another place that's hiring, and even if they are hiring, there's no guarantee you are getting hired. Even if you do get hired, there's still a chance this new job could be the same or even worse than the last job.
I'm a nanny. I watch kids. I shape the future of America's youth. Kind of. Not really. But really, being a nanny is more than just watching the kids watch TV for a few hours. It's making a bond with children and helping them when their parents can't. It's teaching them life lessons to help them develop as normal people in society. You are quite literally taking care of another life and if you slip up, then that's it. You can't be the nanny that gives the kid childhood trauma. It just doesn't look good on the resume. I'm not saying it's the most difficult job out there, but it's not as easy as it looks.
You have to find the balance between your happiness and your livelihood. Also, some people just need to complain. Life gets tough and sometimes you just have to complain. Scream in your car, rant to your mom, or write a mean letter to no one. Whatever it takes to help you move on and get over it, do it. If it makes you feel better about your crappy job, then just do it. If all of those options don't make you feel any better about your occupation, then you need to reevaluate if this is all worth it. I like to complain as much as the next guy, but I only rant to make myself feel better. I know my job is difficult at times, but I really do believe that where I am now is where I'm supposed to be.