20 Of The Best 'Mean' James Spann Tweets From Snowmaggedon 2019
The only people happy with this forecast were the grocery stores that sold out of milk and bread.
As many of you probably already know, pretty much every meteorologist in the state was forecasting snow for January 29, 2019. And as soon as the word "snow" is even whispered in the state of Alabama, widespread panic erupts. People buy milk and bread as if their lives depend on it. Schools and workplaces close down.
Events get canceled, and everyone basically forgets how to function. However, it has been proven time and time again that no weather forecast is 100% accurate, and sometimes they're just dead wrong. Unfortunately, that usually means a lot of angry tweets directed at James Spann, who during forecast fails such as this one apparently becomes the only meteorologist in the world to have ever been wrong. Here are the tweets #Snowmaggedon2019 has brought us so far: