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I am sorry Whataburger just isn't that good
22 October 2022
Hailey Hastings via Canva
Here we go
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I am sorry Whataburger just isn't that good
Here we go
The time of the year with a deep meaning
There are a lot of things I think about when I think about a Fall Saturday morning. I think about football (Go Dawgs). I think about the temperature dropping (unless you are like me and live in South Georgia where it is so hot you can fry an egg on the sidewalk). I also think about Saturday morning runs with my dad. Until I moved to college a couple of years ago, I spent almost every Saturday morning running on the dirt roads near my house with my dad. We run year round, but Fall is definitely our favorite time of the year to run. Thinking about our Fall Saturday morning runs, my mind is flooded with memories of the fields filled with snow white cotton, cow pastures, and canopies of trees above us (with the leaves constantly falling on us). It is just a picture perfect area to run. My dad would say every Saturday, "Wow, it is so beautiful out here. I would love to take a picture of this". The scenery might be picture perfect, but the run itself was not (for me anyways).
My dad has been a runner all his life. I started running when I was in the 8th grade, but prior to that my dad would always try to convince me to join him on a run. He did convince (force) me to run a 5k race (3.1 miles) with him when I was only six years old. We finished the race in 45 minutes. I won my age division (9 years and younger) and won a trophy, but I hate every minute of it. I told my dad I was never doing that again.
Fast forward to the summer of 2013. This was the summer before my 8th grade year, and I wanted to get involved in more at school. My dad suggested I join the cross-country team. Even though I said I would never run again, I still decided to give it a shot. I cried after my first practice. I could not run a mile without crying. I was miserable. I told my dad I didn't want to start the school year on the team, and I wanted to quit. The first time I went to my dad telling him I didn't want to run anymore, he told me, "Do not focus on how far the run is. Focus on the next step". He would constantly remind me this. He also remind me, "One step at a time will get you to the finish line". He has always told me how the challenges I come across in life are similar to the challenges I face in a run.
I ran with my dad every Saturday that Fall. I would remind him every Saturday that I was one Saturday closer to never running cross country again. I did not quit running after my 8th grade season. I eventually signed up for track and ran all through out high school. I still run to this day (just for "fun" now). I look back on all the Saturdays in the Fall of my 8th grade year and find it hard to believe that same girl who cried and struggled all that time has now completed countless amounts of 5k's, 10k's, two half-marathons, and two marathons. Yes, the girl who couldn't run a mile did that.
Through the years, I've learned the first step is the hardest, but if you start and keep at it, you can accomplish goals that seem out of reach. I have learned to let frustration motivate me to make positive changes. I've learned all this just from running. I used to think my dad was crazy for saying how the challenges in running and in life are similar. It is so true. When I started college, I was struggling big time. Not because I was homesick, but I did not think I could make it here. I let the challenges and frustrations I faced during my first year of college motivate me to make the most of my struggles. I am not thriving by no means right now, but I am happy to say I am doing a hell of a lot better than I was one year ago today. Through all those Saturdays in the Fall running with my dad, I found the determination necessary to complete a run is the same determination required for any challenge I face in life.
Can you tell I'm excited for November 12?
Now that "Red (Taylor's Version)" is coming out a week earlier than expected, there's even more reason to get in the spirit and remember why the album is so good in the first place. A perfect listen for fall - my November will undoubtedly be colored Red this year. In case you're unsure about listening, look no further - here is a list of the best lines from each incredible song.
"So you were never a saint / And I've loved in shades of wrong / We learn to live with the pain / Mosaic broken hearts"
"Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old favorite song"
"And all we are is skin and bone / Trained to get along / Forever going with the flow / But you're friction"
"And the saddest fear comes creeping in / That you never loved me or her, or anyone, or anything"
Okay this one could be the whole song so I've narrowed it to three:
"Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place"
"And maybe we got lost in translation / Maybe I asked for too much /But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up"
"Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it / I'd like to be my old self again / But I'm still trying to find it"
"We're happy, free, confused and lonely in the best way / It's miserable and magical, oh yeah"
"I bet / It never ever occurred to you / That I can't say "Hello" to you / And risk another goodbye"
"'m really gonna miss you picking fights / And me falling for it, screaming that I'm right"
"Before you, I'd only dated self indulgent takers / Who took all of their problem out on me /But you carry my groceries and now I'm always laughing"
"You wear your best apology / But I was there to watch you leave"
"Spinning like a girl in a brand new dress / We had this big wide city all to ourselves / We blocked the noise with the sound of "I need you" / And for the first time I had something to lose"
"And time / Is taking its sweet time erasing you / And you've got your demons / And darlin' they all look like me"
"And they tell you that you're lucky / But you're so confused, / 'Cause you don't feel pretty, you just feel used."
"And all I've seen / Since eighteen hours ago / Is green eyes and freckles and your smile / In the back of my mind making me feel like"
"He was tryna to skip rocks on the ocean saying to me / "Don't you see the starlight,"
"But you throw your head back laughing like a little kid / I think it's strange that you think I'm funny 'cause he never did"
"And it was like slow motion / Standing there in my party dress / In red lipstick / With no one to impress"
"I told myself don't get attached / But in my mind I play it back / Spinning faster than the plane that took you"
"You understand perfectly / You're the kind of man who makes me sad"
Listen to "Red (Taylor's Version): out November 12!
I've been getting sick of my music, and of course, my dude drops the rest of this highly-anticipated album.
I was very much looking forward to this album. I feel like "hot girl bummer" was everyone's song during the summer through to the start of the fall semester. It was playing everywhere; all my friends were playing it in their cars.
"me and your ghost" dropped, and again, everyone got excited again. Then release date came closer and more songs started coming out.
"queen of broken hearts" captured the hearts of all kinds of music listeners. Heck, I even saw it blow up a little bit in the TikTok trends community! It was this song coming out that made me get ready for the brilliance that is this album to drop.
"i feel bad" I think will reign as my favorite song in the album, but these three songs together with similar titles? Absolutely brilliant. "i feel too much" is such a vibe, and "i felt that" bringing up the rear of the three really ties the mini-story within the album together.
The back half of the album took some time to grow on me, but masterpieces such as "why are girls?" and "half alive" made that change happen very quickly.
My roommates, whom I drive around quite a bit, love these songs when I put them on. They are Cristina's roommates approved.
And as if that wasn't enough, he had to go and release "my ex's best friend" with MGK?? Another absolute banger. A very good windows-down song to scream along to with your friends that share an appreciation of blackbear.
My monthly playlist was feeling a bit dry, so this article is a big thank you to blackbear for livening up my last summer monthly playlist until 2021 (if we even make it there, and at this point, who knows what the heck is going on in the world.)
blackbear's "everything means nothing" is out anywhere you listen to music.
Writers are creatures of habit who dwell in the wells of their minds. No thought is ever wasted and no idea is ever too simple or too crazy to be dictated. On special occasions, writers come together and share their findings in ways only they know best. Here are ten things writers have in common.
There is nothing more relaxing yet simultaneously focusing than the sound of rainfall. It is like white noise but better suited for creating the right mood. Pitter-patter is one of my favorite songs from nature's album. It reminds me of a typewriter, capturing language like a raindrop making its signature across the window. A rainy day is a writer's getaway.
Ask both "why?" and "why not?" We make things now as opposed to never. Such is the power of fiction, especially science fiction. Prediction and prevention go hand in hand when it matters. Ideas fuel our creativity but in both a political and nonpolitical sense activism in the arts. Think of all the things yet to be thought of. Even if it has been thought of before, think of how it could be different, how things could be made better. Ideas, like the page, are not made of concrete but fluid water, always able to change its course.
The more you read, the more you think. The more you think, the more you write. Seeing how a scene is written or how characters' thoughts linger or dialogues trail is indefinitely helpful. Your vocabulary also improves extensively.
Ray Bradbury kept a sign in sight whenever he sat down to write that said, "Don't Think." Don't plan every action, every scene, every turning point. Letting words come naturally to the piece you are writing will make it all the more rewarding. Feeling is a great substitute for thinking.
When a writer comes time to sit down and write, they come with almost everything in mind that they set out to capture on the page and then it's all a matter of making it genuine but also better than you last thought of it.
At some point in our day, an idea catches us off guard and we write down the thought in a hurry so that we don't forget it so soon. Even ideas we haven't gotten to yet or the ones that are left on the back burner for later use are grabbing at our attention, waiting to be written.
Writer's block isn't a blockade as much as it is a hurdle; it can be overcome. There's plenty of ways to do away with it. Anne Lamotte's "Bird by Bird" suggests reading can help, writing a small note unrelated to the previous writing, or doing something entirely different. Avert your efforts towards something rather than nothing.
Whether meeting a quota of words or reading a book in a week, what we do best is what we know best. Lopsided stacks and pencils all over sharpened down to the eraser may look like insanity to Martha Stewart, but to us it makes all the sense in the world. Call it controlled chaos. Albert Einstein said it best: "If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign of?"
No really, we think of our characters like we think of certain people we have the pleasure to meet in our lives. Everything we hear or see will in some way be written as a scene, thought, or character. Tolkien's orcs were inspired by the Germans during World War II. Your words are our precious.
Anything is something which is better than nothing. How you'll know if it's good is by getting it down onto the page. The fact that you can write about anything is an exciting endeavor. Whatever you write is from you, to you, for now. No one's passing judgement for that first draft; that's why drafts are numbered. Your voice is yours to share.
Writers are peculiar people.
Where everybody knows your name and your business
Living in a small town meant your probably attended a small high school. You know everyone and everyone knows you. You can name everyone in your high school and their family members. Going to a small high school can be both annoying and a blessing. If you are like me and graduated from a tiny high school, I am sure you can relate to all of these problems below.
Everybody knows you. You also know everybody and their business. You know who their family members are, their middle name, their pet's name, their social security number.
When a new kid moves to school, everybody will rush to get to know this person and try to become friends with the person.
Take it from someone who had twelve in their class. Yes, I am talking about myself. I cannot count how many times I have had people shockingly ask me, "YOU HAD HOW MANY IN YOUR CLASS??"
As i said before, I only had twelve people in my class. So I had every class with those eleven other people. All day, everyday, we were together.
Everyone in the school will know your business before you even get the chance to find out. Gossip at school spreads faster than germs.
Being at a small high school meant smaller class sizes, which also meant you were more than likely to get to know your teachers very well. Chances are you had a few of your teachers' phone numbers.
If you had more than two people missing from class, it felt like half your class was gone.
If only Juniors and Seniors attended prom, their would literally be nobody at prom. So, you invited the entire high school to make it seem like a big turn out showed up.
You cannot go to the grocery store without seeing someone you know from school.
Freshman year through Senior year, you will have the same teachers who teach their different subjects.
It can be very hard to date if you go to a small school, because either one of your friends has already dated the person or you are really close to the person (as a friend).
But chances are, you are thankful for your tiny school. If you had to go back you wouldn't change anything about it.