My Mom's Life Began When I Graduated High School
But now her youngest has graduated.
She is one of those moms who was at every possible event she could be at. She never missed a volleyball game. Five school seasons, and 4 club seasons. Six months of the year was solely dedicated to driving an hour, twice a week, just to take me to practice. That's not even including tournaments in Tennessee, Georgia, and south Alabama.
She was at every school season game, which was up to four days a week, and every weekend tournament. She helped feed the volleyball team, and was known for her amazing turkey wraps. She did that for my older sisters too. Every school volleyball game, every band concert, every track meet.
But now her youngest has graduated.
She has a life outside of her children I understand, but her children were always the main priority. When I was younger, I never realized how much my parents had sacrificed so I could do everything I wanted to do. My mom had hobbies too, but she never did them, because she was too busy doing things I wanted to do. But now I am in college, out of the house.
She can now go outside to do yard work, and spend time doing absolutely nothing. She doesn't have to worry about being on time for the next volleyball game or rehearsal. She can focus on herself a little bit more.
But she is still my mom, who I call for the smallest college dilemma, like the the weather cooling down, or only getting three chicken tenders in my four piece. It's amazing how the woman I used to fight with all the time, is now the one I go to for everything.
My mom having an empty nest changed her life. She is still my biggest supporter, and my go-to. But she can now focus on herself a little bit more. She's happier, more relaxed. It's amazing what can happen with an empty nest, and a quiet little lake house can do.