11 Things To Put In Your Favorite College Student's Easter Basket
Some geode bath bombs are a must.
We're in college. We have no money, but we do have you. While we won't be able to get you much, we'd love if you could get us any of these things (especially number 11).
1. Candy
Throw in all their favorites! I'd bet money that almost every person loves Reese's cups, KitKat bars, and M&Ms.
2. A cute ring dish
Make it personal to them! I love cats so I would die if I received a cute ring dish like these ones! If they love flowers, find a floral one! If they love geometric shapes, look for one like that!
3. Gift cards
We college students are broke. While we know you don't like giving us cash because who knows where we will use it, give us a gift card instead! A gas card, grocery card, or gift card to our favorite store would do wonders for us!
6. A little prayer box
If you're like me, you refuse to spend money. I'd never buy myself something so cute, but I've always wanted one so badly!
7. An embroidery set for beginners
We'd love yet another thing to distract us from doing our homework.
8. Some geode bath bombs
Again, we'd love to have cool stuff like this but we cannot really afford it. If you threw one of these in our basket, we would love you (more than we already will) forever!
11. A rescue cat to add to the family
Leave all the of the above behind and just put a cute cat in (or near) a basket. That would be the best Easter gift ever. Have fun topping that!