13 Qualified Dudes Gave Me Solicited Relationship Advice, Do You Agree With What They Had To Say?
So THIS is what guys think but are too afraid to tell us.
Sometimes it can be difficult to get your man to tell you what wrong. In fact, they may never tell you until it becomes the end of the relationship.
Guys either keep their feeling to themselves or are feeling less. Sometimes the only way to know what NOT to do is to ask guys who are not your significant other... I asked my guy friends for some relationship advice and here is a list of what I got. Let's hear what they have to say about us ladies!
1. "Be decisive. Theres nothing more of a turn off then a girl who cant decide what she wants to do or eat. Its best if you are confident in a solid answer."
Sorry! But to defend the ladies, we want you to be happy too.
2. "Give us our space when we want it. If we are out with our friends, let us enjoy our friends. Dont be texting us the whole time".
Sorry for missing you.
3. "If you care about someone then be straightforward and blunt about what you want or feel. A lot of girls will beat around the bush or play games to get the answers they want. Just communicate with us."
OKAY DUDES. You do this more than us. Lets be real.
4. "Love is not defined on the amount of money spend on any gift or dinner. It is defined by unconditional loyalty to making you the happpiest girl in the world"
We know, but doesn't mean flowers isn't a nice gesture of love occasionally.
5. "Dont interrupt. BIG no no. If I am in the middle of a story, keep the random thought to the end. Don't just blurt them out right in the middle of the story".
Bro chill.
6. "Stop the "I'm mad at you, but not going to tell you why" game".
We're all guilty of doing this one time too many. Sometimes silence is the biggest
7. "Its okay go at different paces. Don't pressure someone into saying I love you or having sex. Patience is key to a relationship".
Back at you.
8. "Dont make me choose between you or my friends. And don't expect to always be invited to hang with my friends and I."
We just want to feel involved and be tight with your friends. Its all part of the relationship thing.
9. "If your man isn't responding don't flip or think the absolute worst because he is likely busy and not able to acess his phone."
How many times are you playing video games though seriously?
10. "I would rather you look shitty than be late"
And we would rather you look good and be on time. Very rarely happens
11. "Don't lie. We know when you are."
So call us out! What are you waiting for?
12. "Listening is so important. It shows that you care about what the other person has to say and that is key in a longterm successful relationship."
I will if you will.
13. "Love is a partnership. A give and take. Sometimes you have to do some things that you dont want to do for the other person. And vice versa".
Saved the best and most important advice for last.
So, my dudes, I think it's safe to say many of the things we ladies do that annoy you, you do right back at us. One common theme among all the guy's answers was along the lines of communication. Don't be scared to talk out how you're feeling to your significant other in order to make your relationship the healthiest it can be.
And ladies, you can't feel ashamed if no ones telling you what bothering them. So keep doing you.