If You're Not Pro-Choice, We Can't Be Friends
To value the "life" of something that isn't even considered alive yet is incredibly selfish, no matter what your justification is.
Abortion has and will always be one of the most controversial topics to exist within our society. Because of how many damn factors play into the issue, we can never reach a consensus on it.
Prior to 1973 and the notorious Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Case, abortion was considered an illegal offense nationwide. However, with the case brought forward by a brave Texan woman, and the subsequent women's suffrage protests of the late twentieth century, numerous states took the initiative to legalize abortion, including Colorado, New York, Washington, etc.
The Supreme Court had ruled that the rights to liberty and privacy outlined in the Constitution protected the right for a woman to terminate her pregnancy if she chose to.
However, almost half a century later, it definitely appears like we have started to regress from this ruling. Just a month ago, a number of states proposed bills that would entirely outlaw abortions for residents — North and South Dakota, Kentucky, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Mississippi have enacted the law already, and many states, including Texas and Washington, have proposed and currently are also pushing for enactment. Texas is also considering a bill that could punish women with the death penalty for abortion. Anyone else seeing the blatant irony in this? So much for being "pro-life."
The fact that people believe they have the right to control what other people decide to do with their OWN bodies baffles me. Do you not have more important matters within your own lives to attend to? The fact that people consider fetuses to be alive also equally confuses me. We don't start counting the age of an individual from the time of when they were conceived, but rather the time of their removal from the mother's body. Therefore, legally, an individual is not alive until they are birthed out.
People will try to justify their pro-life stances with cliché emotional blackmail tactics, which serves as a great measure of their maturity. If you go as far to instilling guilt into women who are exercising their right to do whatever they desire with THEIR bodies, you honestly are committing a greater "crime."
Frankly, I don't give a flying fuck if your religion doesn't believe in abortion.
That's your religion, your beliefs. You wouldn't get an abortion? Congrats. You're not allowed to stop others from getting abortions. I guarantee that nowhere does it say within your religious text to go parading around pushing your beliefs on other people. This is the 21st century, not the time of religious imperialism. Just like you have the right to practice your religion, people have the right to not listen to the oppressive laws of religion. But that's a whole other story.
I was talking to one of my friends the other day when it slipped out that they were pro-life. When I asked them why, they gave weak excuses and laughed it off. But I don't see how this is a funny matter, nor do I think of it appropriate to have beliefs on a topic that doesn't even concern your sex (I'm looking at you, pro-life men).
If it's not your uterus, it's not your problem. Stay in your lane and mind your damn business.