Warnings About College To Incoming Freshmen As Told By Gifs
College is hard, but you will make it through.
19 January
"The Office" just became even more relatable.
Is there any show that "gets" college students as much as "The Office"? Unlikely.
You don't even know what tests to study for first because you have so much to do. This has happened to me on multiple occasions and it's the most frustrating situation. It's like all your professors meet up for dinner and plot ways to make your life harder. Every professor wants all their exams during the same week. There are so many other weeks, let's try one of those.
Thank you, Dwight, I couldn't have said it better myself.
Honestly, Pam might win for being the most relatable. College students have a schedule that is never-ending. Ranging from classes, organizations and trying to maintain a social life. I could keep going on but I'll save us both the time. It's hard trying to find a balance. We have so much going on and have to find a way to balance it all.
Just like Pam, sometimes you have it together and sometimes you don't — and that is OK.
OK, this may seem like an absurd thing but hear me out.
You always go to class and take notes but once the exam comes around you realize you have to teach yourself all the information again. I have been in so many classes where we fly through the content and all of a sudden we have an exam.
So many of my friends face this struggle and it's probably one of the most frustrating things.
If you find yourself in this situation, well "Good Luck Charlie."
Yes, Michael, we are screwed.
Wednesday's are actually my favorite day of the week because we're halfway there (cue song) and that much closer to Friday; so this one might actually be my favorite. No one loves Friday's more than college students do. We made it through the week and have a small break that goes by so fast, but hey, we take all we can get.
But then, the next week we have no choice but to do it all over again.
Darryl, Kevin, and Oscar have the Friday feels down.