Arts Entertainment
5 Thoughts You've Had If You Have A Summer Job
The dilemma of a summer job.
03 June 2019
Summer jobs are great but let's be real, these are the thoughts that go through your head.
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The dilemma of a summer job.
Summer jobs are great but let's be real, these are the thoughts that go through your head.
Typically, the New Year is viewed as an opportunity to have a clean slate. This is your chance to finally follow through on those goals you postponed last year...or at least that's what you tell yourself now. If you really think about it, every day is a brand new opportunity to make goals for yourself. You don't need a New Year to become a new you. Here are goals you can set for yourself every day:
Easier said than done and listening has more than one meaning. Personally, I am going to strive to listen to others more when they speak and not talk over them. I will also listen to understand and not just listen to respond.
Set aside time for yourself once a day. Check in and see where you’re at mentally and emotionally. Go to the gym, do a face mask, meditate, whatever you gotta do to make sure you’re okay, do it.
Adulting can be done in a variety of ways. It can be budgeting your money better or even just having more professional experiences or interactions.
Knowledge is power. Make an effort to read and learn more. If you really don’t have the time to read, then listen to an Audible book or a Podcast.
Write down your thoughts and feelings. Address them to find a root cause to a situation. Gain a new perspective or even get inspired.
It can be as little as sharing positive quotes, thinking positive thoughts, or just having a positive outlook to a rough situation.
Of course, life gets in the way sometimes and we don’t always get to talk to our friends as much as we’d like. Arrange more time for them. Reach out to them at least once a week and check in. I met with my pals this past week for dinner and we enjoyed each other’s company so much that we were there for four hours! Little get togethers make you realize how much you truly miss them.
Nothing like some spontaneity to shake things up! Try new food places, new products, trends, and more.
I don’t know about you, but I suck at cooking. I can fend for myself but that’s about it. Cook or bake more with your significant other because it’s a great chance to bond and learn more about expanding your culinary skills.
Plan some time to get together for a meal, do an event together, or even just give them a call.
There are only 24 hours in a day so achieving all of these goals daily may be a challenge, but if you just make a conscious effort to at least do one of these goals a day, then that's surely a change in behavior and habit.
It's the year of Peyton...
2019 is going to be a great year, and here's what I'm looking forward to:
One more semester, and I'm home freeeeeee
Ugh, and I get to see it with my favorite person in the whole world... my boyfriend :)
I'm finally moving into an apartment!!!! FINALLY PEOPLE!!!!
I cannot wait to further my education and learn everything there is to know about writing
This one is a bit iffy, but it's going to happen. I promise you. NO, I promise me.
I have high hopes for 2019, and so should you. It's the year for all of us.
"Balance is not something you find, it's something you create." - Jana Kingsford
Life balance is not only essential for happiness and well-being; it can be a tremendous boost to your productivity and career or business success as well. A well-balanced person has a far greater ability to focus their attention and energy on attaining their goals, taking productive actions and moving forward in a meaningful way
The big question is…What does life balance really mean? What would a balanced life look like to us? And most importantly, how do we go about achieving it in the midst of our crazy schedules?
There are steps you can take to change what isn't working and get back some control and balance in your life. And once you start seeing results you'll be better equipped to maintain that newfound equilibrium. The key is not to try to change everything at once, but to make small adjustments over time to determine what works for you. Eventually, you will have a whole new set of positive life habits w
Disconnect on the weekend. I hear the excuses already, but try it, at least for one day or even a few hours each night. Put the phone down and turn off the computer. Give your work brain a rest. Bonus: Spend the extra time actually interacting with your family and friends
It's a given that if your life is overflowing you will never be able to achieve balance and manage it all. It's just not possible. Say no to everything that is either not essential or doesn't add something valuable to your life. Be ruthless!
We hear this over and over again, but usually only give it lip service. We know what we need to do, but it isn't a priority until we have a health crisis. Our health really does affect the quality of our lives and our work. We are far more productive and happier when we get enough sleep, eat a little healthier and fit in some type of activity.
By that I don't mean chemicals (though that might help too.) Minimize the negative influences around you. Avoid toxic people (complainers, whiners, poor attitudes.) If you can't completely avoid them, at least minimize contact and tune them out as much as you can. Surround yourself with positive, supportive, can-do people whenever possible
Making time for you is probably the hardest thing to do for the typical overworked and overwhelmed person, but it is crucial for lowering stress, increasing happiness and encouraging creativity. Some things to try; meditate, write, sketch, do some yoga or simply sit quietly for a few minutes each day and do absolutely nothing. You can do it!
Set aside quality time with your family and friends. Don't just sit in front of the television, really connect and pay attention to those you care about. Make a date with your significant other, have coffee with a friend, play a game with a child. Really get to know the people around you
Get a pedicure or a facial. Better yet, schedule a massage. It doesn't need to be costly; a glass of wine, your favorite coffee or tea, a delightfully scented candle or beautiful flowers will make a huge impact.
Take a walk and pay attention to what's going on around you. Take a new route, visit a new town or try being a tourist in your own. Attend a local performance, play amateur photographer or go to the park.
Take a class, learn to paint or try something new that you've always wanted to learn. Read a book that sparks your interest or try listening to uplifting music. Find what interests you.
Laugh, joke, play, find your sense of humor, subscribe to a daily joke or get a tear-off calendar. Nothing makes the feel better as fast as a good old-fashioned belly laugh.