The Real Reason For The U.S. State Of Emergency
Everyone thinks they know why President Donald Trump is declaring a state of emergency, but what is Trump ACTUALLY going to do with that funding?
Our president recently declared a state of emergency to create a wall. The Democrats were not giving him the money he wanted, and now he has gone around normal judiciary means to give him the money he desires. He has done this without the approval from almost everyone else in Washington DC. This wall will now cost the US eight billion dollars, a government shutdown where thousands of people were out of work, an intensified divide between the Democrats and Republicans, and way too much paperwork.
There is a lot of speculation as to why he would want to build this wall. From preventing illegal immigrants, to stopping rapists, to protecting the jobs of real Americans, everyone has their theories, but I think I've figured it out. The real reason Trump wants to create a wall because the US has a crush on China. It may sound crazy and it may even sound like it doesn't make sense but if we compare a classic schoolboy crush to the recent policies between the US and China, the similarities are uncanny.
We'll take his desire to build a wall. When you think about countries with great walls, what do you think? The Great Wall of China? Most people would. But if the US creates a huge wall between the southern US border and Mexico, most people will start to consider the "Great Wall" to be the one in the US. When a little boy has a crush on a little girl, he wants her to notice him. Often he'll start to get involved in things she's interested in or good at. In this case, Trump considered everything he knew about China and decided on the wall. The little boy will try to show off by trying to be the best at the thing the little girl is good at, even if it means being better than her. Trump is creating this wall to be "huge" and is likely trying to outdo the Great Wall in China. Just like the little boy, Trump does whatever he can to get the little girl's attention. Even if it means doing things he shouldn't.
Which is when we come to him declaring the state of emergency. After the government finally opened, US President Trump declared a state of emergency. This means that if there is something like war, a viral outbreak, or an economic crisis then the government would have to deal with that urgency. Currently, the US is suffering from those three things. First, the US is still stationing troops in the Middle East. Second, the measles outbreak is spreading across the nation. And third, the US is in a bit of an economic crisis after our government shutdown and our trade-war with China. But just like the little boy, important things like homework, chores and walking the dog are ignored. Instead of pulling troops out of the Middle East, preventing kids from not getting vaccinated, or mending ties with our foreign trading partners, Trump is focused on the wall. His view of an emergency is bettering the Great Wall of China. He's just trying to get the girl.
This state of emergency was brought on because the Democrats would not give Trump the full amount to build his border wall. This is similar to when the little boy asks the little girl's friends to help him impress the little girl; they promise to help, but they don't want to go along with every part of his extensive plan. In Trump's case, the plan the Democrats agreed to was just over one billion dollars, but that was far too short of the five billion dollars the president sought to fulfill, so he ditched their plan. And when the little boy goes off on his own and attempts to execute the plan, which results in him ultimately failing, Trump does the same thing. He went around the law and declared a state of emergency to gain an additional six billion dollars to fund his wall, with more money than originally needed. And while he has not failed yet, 16 states are in the process of suing President Trump for his misuse of the state of emergency.
The little boy went against the wishes of his friends and the little girl's friends just to impress her. No matter what other Republicans said or what Democrats said, Trump was determined to have this wall. He even defied those who were looking out for his best interest. Even the little boy's best friend, or in Trump's case Mitch McConnell, warned him against doing these crazy things to get the girl's attention, but Trump did it anyway.
But during all of this what the boy is not considering are the little girl's feelings. In an attempt to get noticed by the little girl, he has forced her away and caused her to hate him. But once the little boy realizes that the little girl does not like him, he has two options: stop trying to outdo her or try to be her friend or go through her best friend to try to get the little girl's best friend to tell her how amazing the little boy is.
Which is why the US is having peace talks with North Korea.