'The Big Bang Theory' Had The Most Perfect Ending And Nobody's Talking About It
The twelve year run is officially over.
As many people know, "The Big Bang Theory" finished it's twelve years run this week, yet no one is talking about it. Many television shows tend to have okay endings or just bad endings, but the ending to "The Big Bang Theory" was phenomenal. It wrapped everything up in a perfect little bow and did not leave any loose ends. This deserves some buzz from the media, especially considering the show has consistently been a top-ranked sitcom for years.
"The Big Bang Theory" gave a lot to a lot of people. It brought a lot of joy and gave kids the confidence to pursue a career as a scientist. The show even has a scholar program for students pursuing a degree in the STEM field. This show opened the door to so much more than just a funny television show. It opened the door to the life of people in the STEM field and allowed people to see from a comical perspective what it is like.
Despite all that the show has done for people and scientists, and its portrayal in the media, I have not seen a lot of buzz about the show's ending online. Maybe it's because people are still talking about "Game of Thrones" ending or maybe it's just because people I follow on social media did not watch "The Big Bang Theory" like I did. Although, from what I have seen from a lot of outraged fans of "Game of Thrones" the ending of that show is nothing to rave about, whereas the ending to "The Big Bang Theory" is something worth raving over.
The last episode the elevator was fixed after twelve years, Sheldon and Amy have officially won a Nobel Prize, Penny is pregnant, and so much more. The writers of the show really left the characters all in wonderful places in their lives with everything wrapped in a nice little bow. There were no unanswered stories, no one left me wondering what is next for them. I am thrilled with how it all came together that there were definitely some tears shed. Then, in the most simple yet effective ending to a series ever, the whole gang was in Leonard and Penny's apartment eating one last meal together on camera as the theme song slowly plays and the camera gradually zooms out. Then it all came to an end.
The Big Bang Theory - The Change Constant/The Stockholm Syndrome (Watercooler Clip 3)www.youtube.com
With that thank you to everyone involved with "The Big Bang Theory" for giving us an incredible twelve years of television and for all that you put into bringing joy to so many people.