As Americans, We All Need To Calm Down About Being Insulted If Someone's Not 'Politically Correct'
Ooh, I'm sorry, am I offending someone?
I swear that nowadays it is almost impossible not to offend someone based on the almost insane measures some people will go to to ensure what they refer to as "political correctness" and this past holiday season was the worst I have seen yet.
This past Christmas, a principal banned candy canes from his school, claiming that the J represented Jesus and therefore had religious significance. He even went so far as to ban teachers from decorating their classrooms with Christmas decorations to protect those who did not celebrate this holiday. While thankfully the principal was placed on leave, his actions are just one of a stream of similar events that have happened recently that show just how crazy our society has gotten in regards to being "politically correct" and supposedly equal and fair for everyone.
"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" was even under fire for supposedly being "bigoted, sexist and abusive." They overlook that the movie and song also provides a lesson. Unfortunately, not everyone in life is nice and kind to others who are different. The whole point of the movie is that we are supposed to be on Rudolph's side. We are SUPPOSED to think that the others are being cruel to him so that we will cheer and be happy in the end when Rudolph saves the day.
Let's not forget about the fiasco around "Baby It's Cold Outside" and how it is now seen by the #metoo movement to be about date rape. I think that this is going way too far to the point where some people are deliberately looking for something to complain about. I have always listened to this song and imagined the girl also wishing to stay with the boy, but knowing that she really should get home so that her family won't worry. Maybe I'm just crazy naive. Or maybe not. But there's nothing wrong with a guy expressing his wish for his love to stay longer with him in the cold weather. If you love someone, of course you would want them to stay. It's supposed to be funny and playful, not about date rape.
The daughter of the song's writer even defends her father's song, mentioning how it was written as a love song between her father and mother and in no way was meant to be interpreted as date rape. It needs to be taken in the context of the time it was written.
Honestly, in all this, I think it is ridiculous that we even have to have this debate.
Just because you get overly offended about a song or a movie does not mean that you need to ban it from everyone else. If someone had the GALL to wish me Happy Hannukah when I am not Jewish I'm not going to throw a fit and scream "IT'S MERRY CHRISTMAS" or "WHY DON'T YOU SAY HAPPY HOLIDAYS." I'm not going to get all butt-hurt and offended that you wished me well and good wishes.
The holidays are over now, but Brad Paisley totally hits the nail on the head with his "Kung Pao Buckaroo Holiday."
I am sure that there will always come new ways for people to get overly offended about the smallest thing. If you have the time to get offended about something like this then you really need to take a good, long look at your priorities.