5. "Moves Like Jagger" by Maroon 5 | The Odyssey Online
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21 Songs From Your Middle School Dances That Still Make You Wanna Crank That Soulja Boy

You might've been too awkward to dance to them in 8th grade, but you can rock out to them now that you're in your twenties.

21 Songs From Your Middle School Dances That Still Make You Wanna Crank That Soulja Boy
Madison Foster

I was that quiet, awkward girl in middle school that always had straight-cut bangs and never left home without an Aeropostale t-shirt. I was not exactly the type you would picture going to those smelly middle school dances they have for kids every semester. However, I failed to miss a single dance all three years of middle school. I'm not saying that I broke it down on the dance floor in any sense, but these 19 songs kept me coming back, and now I can't stop myself from adding them to all my playlists.

1. "Hey Ya!" by OutKast

This is probably the most feel-good song of all time. You won't even want to try to hold back a smile when it comes on.

2. "Yeah!" by Usher

2000s music was a really big fan of exclamation points in song titles.

3. "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga

I choreographed an entire dance to this song when I was ten.

4. "DJ Got Us Fallin In Love" by Usher

Usher came out with so many bangers in the 2000s and early 2010s. He is a a true, underrated icon.

5. "Moves Like Jagger" by Maroon 5

I also choreographed a dance to this song and have no shame.

6. "Love The Way You Lie" by Eminem

This song gets very intense very fast, but by the end, you'll feel so accomplished if you can rap at least 30 seconds of it.

7. "So What" by P!nk

This song is the anthem of every girl recovering from a break up ever.

8. "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)" by Beyonce

Joe Jonas's version. That's all I have to say.

9. "Boom Boom Pow" by The Black Eyed Peas

What does this song even mean? I don't know, but I still can't stop listening to it.

10 "Party in the U.S.A." by Miley Cyrus

This song is perfect for all of your Fourth of July playlists... and your feel-good playlists... and your party playlists... you know what? Let's just go ahead and add it to all of them.

11. "Replay" by Iyaz

This was everyone's ringtone at some point in middle school, don't even try denying it.

12. "You Make Me Feel..." by Cobra Starship

I gotta say, this was probably my favorite song for two years straight.

13. "Baby" by Justin Beiber

"When I was 13, I had my first love. Ain't nobody could compare to my baby asdlfdfaldkjdfajdklf FROM ABOVE."

14. "California Gurls" by Katy Perry

Katy Perry is another true icon of the 2000s and early 2010s music.

15. "Like A G6" by Far East Movement

I can't listen to this song without dancing, honestly.

16. "Super Bass" by Nicki Minaj

Now, this song I can't listen to without singing/attempting to rap, and you know it's about to go down when this song comes on shuffle.

17. "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction

How could I make a list of middle school jams without One Direction? My middle school self would be ashamed.

18. "Cheers (Drink to That)" by Rihanna

I thought I was so cool playing this every Friday while my mom drove me home from middle school.

19. "Ridin Solo" by Jason Derulo

There is no feeling in the world like the one you get singing along to this song on top volume in the car with the windows down.

20. "Dynamite" by Taio Cruz

This was also my favorite song for quite some time.

21. "TiK ToK" by Ke$ha

If you haven't seen GloZell's interpretation of this song, please go do so now. It will make your life.

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