We all remember our emo phase. It was a time of amazing, head-banging music and intense feelings. There were the scene haircuts that everyone was obsessed with and the insane amount of eyeliner that was as dark as your mood. No other phase in your life was as memorable as your emo phase. We all felt misunderstood and perhaps even sad most of the time. But there was nothing like the quality punk rock music to get you through these times. Whether you screamed to the top of your lungs with these songs or you just listened to them and wallowed in your sadness, there was a song for everyone going through this infamous phase. They just don't make songs like these anymore.
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FeaturedMar 02, 2023
15 Throwback Songs From Your Emo Phase
"Save me from the nothing I've become."
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Student Life
Struggles Faced By Business Majors, As Told By "The Office"
It's not just business as usual.
CIS Markets
Coming from someone majoring in business at a school that thrives off of business majors, I know how rough it can be sometimes. Being a business major can be awesome, and awful, simultaneously. We work our tails off to be the best, but sometimes the stress can just tear you apart. Here are some struggles faced by business majors that will sound all too familiar.
Constantly having to dress business formal.
Every single time you present in any class, dress attire is always business formal. You constantly struggle to get out of bed, put on that expensive suit of yours, and leave the sweatpants and slippers behind. Although this can be a pain sometimes, you definitely feel like Beyoncé walking around campus in your power suit.
Group projects.
Your life is a series of group meetings and group presentations. You've had that one kid in your group who does absolutely nothing, but still expects a good grade. Also, Google Docs are your savior, because without them you would probably have to eat, sleep, and breathe with your group members. By the end of the semester, you know every single thing about your group members, and either love them or hate them.
Applying for internships.
You spend countless hours submitting applications, resumes, and cover letters, just to never hear back from half of these companies. You start applying in October for an internship that starts in May, but you're still probably behind others. The biggest struggle is that every internship wants someone with experience from another internship. How am I supposed to ever get experience without getting an internship?!
Being told your major is easy.
I still don't know why people think this. Personally, I've spent more hours working on group projects and presentations than I have eating and sleeping this semester. All-nighters are our norm, yet somehow, people believe our majors are easy. There's nothing easy about taking five business-related courses in one semester, yet our grades are still probably better than yours.
You just want to be rich already.
When the days get tough and the nights get long, your mind wanders off to dreaming about the day where money isn't an issue. Being college students, we know the struggle of watching our bank account fall into a dark hole. The only thing that's getting us through is knowing that, after graduation, we'll be making around $50,000 a year, and it can only go up from there.
Explaining to people why you're a business major.
Everyone assumes you're just doing it for the money. Obviously, you can't help but dream of being wealthy, but this is not why you chose this field. Personally, I want to be successful. Success is not defined by an amount of money, but by living a comfortable and happy lifestyle. We're business majors for the same reason you're an education major or biology major; we love what we do.
Using LinkedIn like it's Facebook.
While all your friends from home are updating their Facebook profile picture and cover photos, you're over here spending your time updating your LinkedIn headshot, projects, and past volunteer work. LinkedIn is your way of finding all of your other business major friends, and hoping that maybe one day, some company will come across your page and offer you an internship or job.
You grow up too fast.
One minute you're in high school, and the next minute, you're all grown up, in your suit, presenting to over 200 people. By the end of freshmen year, you're basically all ready to go out into the real world. It can be tough sometimes, but this is what puts us ahead of other students.
Trying way too hard to make a good impression on companies at career fairs.
You don't want to be that person who gets a job by sucking up to a company, but you do. You put on your best suit and try extremely hard to make the best impression possible on these companies. As they say, "First impressions last."
Many of your professors have foreign accents.
Many schools do this because they believe that it helps students pay attention to better. Rather than paying attention, you spend the whole class trying to interpret what they're saying. The good thing about this is that we're able to understand many different accents by the time we graduate, so when we interact with people of different cultures at our big-kid jobs, we'll actually have a clue of what they're saying.
You don't want to graduate, but you know that you're more than ready.
You don't want to leave, because your whole life everyone has warned you of this thing called "the real world." As hard as it is to hear, you know that you're extremely prepared to conquer that new job of yours.
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Student Life
10 Things To Know About The First Semester Of College
10 things that most incoming college freshmen have no idea about.
Starting college is pretty scary and fun at the same time. You are free of your parents(in most cases) but this is the first time you have no idea what the heck is going on. Here are 10 things you may want to know going into your first semester.
Your Schedule
You may have the perfect schedule that a person has ever seen...No Friday classes, no classes before noon and they all get out before 3 PM. But that doesn't mean, "party every night" cause eventually that will catch up with you.
The Library
Oh the library, its a great and magical place where you might actually do homework instead of napping or watching Netflix....but good luck getting a seat there.
Time Management
"You have 2 months to do this paper," says professor.
*inside your head* Omg I have so much time. I'll start it after I finish my season of New Girl on Netflix.
*night before it is due* OMG I can't believe I pushed it all the way until the last minute.
Trust me, it happens. You might learn after the first time or you might not.
Registration for your first semester is pretty easy. Usually, you do it at orientation so counselors are actually in the room to help you. But for the next semesters that are coming up...it's not so easy. Perfect teachers and ideal time slots will never be found, young freshmen. Hell week=registration week.
On-campus or off-campus housing is pretty nice. Just keep in mind: roommates will fight, even if it's just a little one they will happen.
The Dining Hall
FRIED CHICKEN DAY...good luck finding even floor space to stand.
Get to know your professors. They are there to help you but keep in mind they really don't care if you fail. But they will help you if you show interest in not failing their class. Retaking a professor the next semester isn't a good idea cause they will remember you.
First month of school is the Club Fair overload. Everyone is trying to recruit new members with anything money can pay for. Snow Cones, free t-shirts, popcorn, cotton candy. Keep in mind...recruiters for these clubs will jump outta nowhere to see if you want to join their club.
High School Friends
Try and keep in contact with your high school group of friends. "But I'm too busy to text them," you might say. Well, you text that girl from your Chemistry class every day and your sorority sisters, so you have time for them. Your high school friends are going through generally the same college experience, so reach out to them.
So actually Hell Week is here. Good luck finding a seat anywhere. But take a deep breath, take your time and actually study. Winging your exams in high school was easy, but college is very different.
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Student Life
The Daily Struggles of Being a College Commuter
It's not all morning coffees and singing along to the radio.
22 December
I've been in college for four years now. I spent half my time as a commuter and half as a resident so I've experienced both sides of the housing spectrum. One thing I've learned comparing the two is that my struggles as a commuter far outweigh anything I went through while living on campus. Commuters have to deal with the problems school brings along with a slew of other issues; I've filled up my gas tank in the worst kind of weather conditions and napped in random places in public more times than I'm proud to say of. This is a list of some of the most challenging aspects of being a commuter.
You can't just go to your room to take a nap in the middle of your classes.
Some commuters are lucky enough to live only a few minutes from campus, but I live 50 minutes away so I've napped in some really strange places. There's one secret spot on campus that is my go to, but I can't give that one away just in case I need it this finals week.
Having to spend all your extra cash on gas for your car.
There is nothing I hate spending money on more than filling up my gas tank. I have a car with pretty decent gas mileage but it feels like I fill the tank more than once a week.
 Speaking of money, you probably don't have a meal plan so you're forced to scrounge up some change or mooch off of your friends.
I tried to buy some chips the other day for lunch and my connect card only had 14 cents on it; I dug through my wallet to find some change but that moment was pretty embarrassing. I hate begging for someone to swipe me into the dining hall, but my friends usually have too many meal swipes left anyway. They're saints.
It can be harder to maintain the friendships you make with people from class.
The moment you tell them you're a commuter, they make that "oh god I'm so sorry face" and you don't really see them much after that. I get it though, it's easier to be friends with people who are convenient as opposed to the ones who are either working, in class, or driving home when you want to hang out.
Finding a parking spot.
For one, the parking lot you need to parking in is probably full, so you're stuck waiting for someone to leave then following them slowly to their car to take their spot. It's extremely awkward and I hate it but it's absolutely necessary. For some reason, my school made up of 60 percent commuters decided to put the parking garage in east nowhere instead of the parking lot everyone uses the most. I get that it would have been difficult to build on that lot because there would be nowhere for commuters to park during construction but I'm still bitter about it.
It can be harder to be involved on campus because between your one, two, or three jobs and school you don't have much free time.
Someone's gotta pay for all that gas.
When you try to be super involved on campus, it can kill your sleep schedule.
I decided to join a sorority and there are some nights where by the time I've finished my 50 minute drive home I just collapse into bed and pass out with my regular clothes on. I'm super glad I joined because it keeps me on campus instead of just driving home after class but the exhaustion is real.
It's impossible to do homework at home, but staying on campus isn't an option sometimes.
I can't concentrate on anything at home so I usually do my homework while I'm on campus, but it would be nice to be able to walk from the library straight to your room.
There are surveys and events that you can't participate in because you're a commuter.
Every semester I get the same email from ResNet telling me "you can win a free iPad by taking this survey" but to qualify you have to be a resident. It's like danging a carrot in front of a horse's face.
 Group projects are the bane of your existence.
It's already difficult enough working around everyone's class schedule, but then you have to factor in the days you're actually on campus and available to do the project. By the end of it you're all just emailing one another and hoping for the best.
There is nothing worse than adding extra time to an already annoying commute.
Your backpack rivals that of a survivalist trekking in the woods.
You need everything for all of your classes because why would you want to walk all the way back to your car in east nowhere then back to civilization?
Driving all the way to campus to find a note on the door of your classroom saying class was cancelled.
No email, just pure and utter disregard for everyone and everything.
There are a lot of struggles commuter students face, but I wouldn't trade home-cooked food, my own bed, and snuggling with my cat every night for anything.
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15 Times Michael Scott's Life Was Worse Than Your Life
Because have you ever had to endure grilling your foot on a George Foreman?
21 December
Most of the time, the world's (self-proclaimed) greatest boss is just that, the greatest. I mean, come on, he's Michael Freakin' Scott after all! But every once in a while, his life hits a bit of a speed bump. (or he actually hits Meredith...) So if you personally are struggling through a hard time, you know what they say: misery loves company! Here are 15 times Michael Scott's life was worse than your life:
1. When he just wanted bacon from his George Foreman grill
2. When he had money (and Jan) issues
3. When he got upstaged at Phyllis' wedding
4. When he unintentionally saved Meredith from rabies
5. When he wore a "bisexual" suit
6. When he had to apologize to Jesus
7. When his GPS drove him into a lake
8. When he had to deal with Ryan as his boss
9. When he couldn't fulfill his most generous empty promise
Jim & Pam's wedding, the proposal of Michael to Holly and his departure from the office "the goodbye episodes"
byu/vlamm inDunderMifflin
10. When this happened
11. When he struggled with a X-Mas break up
12. When he had to defend his generosity
13. When he threw a classy Christmas party for Holly but she had a boyfriend
14. When he had to stand up to peer pressure
15. When Toby was "Toby-ish"
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12 Midnight NYE: Fun Ideas!
This isn't just for the single Pringles out there either, folks
19 December
When the clock strikes twelve midnight on New Year's Eve, do you ever find yourself lost regarding what to do during that big moment? It's a very important moment. It is the first moment of the New Year, doesn't it seem like you should be doing something grand, something meaningful, something spontaneous? Sure, many decide to spend the moment on the lips of another, but what good is that? Take a look at these other suggestions on how to ring in the New Year that are much more spectacular and exciting than a simple little kiss.
Run Around Clanging Pots and Pans in Everyone's Face
StableDiffusionThis tradition is meant to drive away bad spirits of the past, but honestly, it's more like a free concert...your friends should really be paying you for your services if you decide to do this on New Year's Eve.
Eat the Last Few Pigs in a Blanket
StableDiffusionIt's been sitting there since what, 8:00? You snooze you lose, and besides, no one's paying attention to you anyway.
Pop Twelve White Grapes
StableDiffusionIf you were in Spain, everyone would be doing just this. One grape for every month of the year. It's supposed to be lucky and stuff.
Burn Something
Photo by Ian Schneider on UnsplashIt's really not that odd-- families in Ecuador burn scarecrows every year on New Year's Eve. It's a symbol of diminishing the negativity of last year. Perhaps preform this one outside though, just to be safe of course.
Smash Things Against a Wall
Photo by Lidye on UnsplashWe can thank the Irish for this bright idea, they use bread specifically though. Who knows why this is a tradition, but it certainly seems like it could be incredibly soothing, don't you think?
Spontaneously Begin an Irish Jig
Photo by Melissa Askew on UnsplashThis isn't lucky or symbolic of anything, but it'll give you something to do at the stroke of midnight and you'll look god damn cool doing it.
Call Your Mother
rotary telephone
Photo by Vinicius "amnx" Amano on UnsplashWell, she did give birth to you. Midnight on New Year's Eve seems as good a time as any to thank her.
Throw a Coffee Table Out a Window
Photo by Kinga Howard on UnsplashAccording to South African tradition, it doesn't necessarily have to be a coffee table. It could be a futon, an ottoman, an armoire, really any piece of furniture that's old. It's for luck of course.
Sing "Auld Lang Syne" at the Top of Your Lungs
Photo by Chang Duong on UnsplashChannel your inner Beyonce, or Mariah, or whoever your Pop Star Diva Queen is and belt that tune. It'll be fantastic mood music.
Do Some Squats
Photo by Meghan Holmes on UnsplashMay as well start the New Year off by working on your inevitable resolution to drop some pounds. Why waste a single moment, you're likely forget the resolution by February anyway.
Swan Dive into a Nearly Freezing Body of Water
Photo by Brayden Prato on UnsplashAnother foreign tradition, this one is practiced by Germans. The kick of it is, you've got to do it while holding a lit torch. Again, who knows why this is a tradition, but its certainly sounds like a fun little challenge to ring in the New Year.
Take a Shot
Photo by Duri from Mocup on UnsplashAnd by shot, naturally I mean a snapshot. Perhaps a group photo, a selfie, or even an unfortunate snipe of your best friend. You'll feel loads better knowing you'll have something to always remember the first moments of 2025 by.
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