10. "Drown" -Bring Me The Horizon | The Odyssey Online
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15 Throwback Songs From Your Emo Phase

"Save me from the nothing I've become."

15 Throwback Songs From Your Emo Phase

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We all remember our emo phase. It was a time of amazing, head-banging music and intense feelings. There were the scene haircuts that everyone was obsessed with and the insane amount of eyeliner that was as dark as your mood. No other phase in your life was as memorable as your emo phase. We all felt misunderstood and perhaps even sad most of the time. But there was nothing like the quality punk rock music to get you through these times. Whether you screamed to the top of your lungs with these songs or you just listened to them and wallowed in your sadness, there was a song for everyone going through this infamous phase. They just don't make songs like these anymore.

1. "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" -Panic! At The Disco

2. "Numb" -Linkin Park

3. "Teenagers" -My Chemical Romance

4. "In The End" -Black Veil Brides

5. "I'm Just A Kid" -Simple Plan

6. "Just The Girl" -The Click Five

7. "The Reason" -Hoobastank

8. "Bring Me To Life" -Evanescence

9. "Never Too Late" -Three Days Grace

10. "Drown" -Bring Me The Horizon

11. "All That I've Got" -The Used

12. "Absolutely (Story of a Girl)" -Nine Days

13. "The Anthem" -Good Charlotte

14. "American Idiot" -Green Day

15. "Dear Maria, Count Me In" -All Time Low

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