3. Go "zero waste" | The Odyssey Online
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10 Ways Embrace And Appreciate Our Home Planet Before It's Too Late

Mother Earth is beautiful, and we only get one of her, so why not show her the love she deserves.

10 Ways Embrace And Appreciate Our Home Planet Before It's Too Late
Makayla Castle

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For years now, we have slowly been ruining planet Earth. It is officially to the point where climate change, reducing waste, and pollution are everyday topics of discussion, and honestly, it's kind of scary. We only have one Earth and WE ARE SLOWLY KILLING IT. Therefore, it's time we show Earth some love and kindness because she deserves it.

1. Recycle, recycle, recycle

One of the easiest ways to show some love to our Earth is to start recycling! So much of the daily waste that we unconsciously throw into the trash bin can be thrown into a recycling bin. Yes, it may take a few minutes to rinse off any waste from recycled goods, but those few minutes will pay off in the end.

2. Use reusable water bottles and cups

Plastic bottles can be recycled. However, not all bottles are recycled and still end up in landfills, oceans, lakes, etc. But, it is extremely easy nowadays to cut down on your plastic bottle or cup use with using reusable ones instead. Plus, there are some super cute options out there! Some places will even give you discounts on drinks for bringing your own reusable cup. Saving money and the Earth? Score!

3. Go "zero waste"

Zero waste is exactly how it sounds — you produce little to zero waste with food, packaging, etc. Zero waste is a lifestyle to adapt. It can be difficult at first, so start with small changes! For example, taking your own plates and silverware to work instead of using the paper and plastic ones available in the break room and composting any leftover food.

4. Please, please, please QUIT USING PLASTIC STRAWS

NEWS FLASH: Most of the plastic straws in your McDonald's, Starbucks, and Dunkin' drinks end up in the ocean. Not only do these straws pollute the ocean, but they bring harm to wildlife. You can buy a pack of reusable straws almost anywhere. Pick some up the next time you're strolling through Target, Walmart, or even on Amazon. Also, kindly refuse a straw the next time you're out.

5. Start using reusable bags

Much like straws, reusable bags are sold almost anywhere — and they're cheap. You can get bags in a lot of different sizes and adorable prints. Plus, they usually run for around $2 or less!

6. Use a water-filter pitcher

Another way to cut down on plastic is to use a water filter pitcher, such as a Brita. These pitchers are pretty affordable, cut down on your plastic water bottle cost, and allow you to use that super cute new water bottle you just bought!

7. Turn off the tap

When you're brushing your teeth, washing your face, or shaving, you can easily help save water by shutting off the tap. Now I know that this "tip" has been around for years, but have you truly been following it for years? Also, cutting down your shower time and not taking baths will help save gallons of water.

8. Participate in "Meatless Mondays" 

Cutting down on your meat consumption at least once a week can truly help. No, I'm not preaching at you to "save the animals" — I enjoy a nice steak just as much as the next guy. BUT, having at least one meatless day a week helps cut down greenhouse gases emitted from livestock. Protect the ozone!

9. Start composting 

Most food waste that ends up in the landfill can be composted right in your back yard! Composting is a natural fertilizer for the soil and helps cut down on the use of chemicals. Food waste such as fruits and veggies, coffee grounds, tea bags, and even yard clippings can easily be composted!

10. Walk to work, school, the gym

Get out there a walk! Not only is it good for YOU and your health, but it's also good for our Earth! Walking helps cut down on pollution from the gas in cars allowing our air to be even more enjoyable to breathe, which is nice because we kind of need it.

Small changes in your everyday life can help cut down on waste and show some love to the Earth. IF change does not occur, the current battles that we are fighting such as climate change and pollution are only going to get worse. So, be the change you wish to see and show our one and only Earth some love.

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