8. "Yellow Fever." | The Odyssey Online
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9 Spooky AF Episodes Of 'Supernatural' Y'all MUST Watch Before The Clock Strikes Midnight On Halloween

Nine Spooky SPN episodes to fill your Halloween fix.

9 Spooky AF Episodes Of 'Supernatural' Y'all MUST Watch Before The Clock Strikes Midnight On Halloween

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Looking for something scary to watch this Halloween? While many of them are throwbacks to the older seasons these "Supernatural" episodes might just do the trick.

1. "The Kids Are Alright."

The second episode of season three, Dean and Sam go to Indiana and discover that the town's children are being switched out for creepy, murderous changelings. Children begging for ice cream in horrifying voices is always scary, but add to the fact that Dean's potential son is one of the missing? The stakes are high and terrifying in this one, earning it a spot on the list.

2. "My Bloody Valentine." 

Oof. This episode is one of my personal favorites, but its also probably one of the most horrifying. When Famine comes to town, everyone starts craving various things, food, lust, etc...rather intensely. Enough to eat each other, like in the clip above. While not traditionally spooky, the scariest moment comes at the end of the episode, when its revealed why Dean was never affected by Famine.

3. "No Rest for the Wicked."

Oh geez. This episode has stuck with me for years after seeing it. While it wasn't even the first death the show had, (Sam had died in the previous season, and there would be so many more to come) this episode was, and still is, probably the most horrifying of them all.

The scary moment doesn't come until the very end, but the suspense built throughout the entire episode makes the last moment truly horrifying. For a moment, it seems like there's hope, but then, just like Sam, we're helpless when we watch Dean literally be torn apart by hellhounds.

4. "Bugs."

Can you say ew? Turns out the property the boys were one was once sacred Native American land, which is always asking for a haunting. While one of my favorite behind the scenes stories comes from this episode, still terrifying. I wasn't able to take a shower for a few days after watching it.

5. "Bloody Mary."

This episode terrified me when I first watched it. It's a unique take on the Bloody Mary urban legend, wherein she can move through multiple mirrors, making her killings much more random and effective. Have fun going to the bathroom after watching this. #Yikes.

6. "Home."

This is one of the earliest episodes that began to ramp up the plot of Sam's powers and tell us the story of the Winchester family. Psychological horror and traditional gory horror combine to make a heart wrenching and nail-biting episode.

7. "A Very Supernatural Christmas."

This is one of the episodes that exemplifies the early seasons of "Supernatural." Terrifying? Check. Funny and witty? Check. Bloody and horrifying? Check. Angsty and thought provoking? Check. People are being murdered by Santa, who turns out to be a family of Krampus's. Meanwhile, Dean and Sam deal with the fact that this is likely Dean's last Christmas.

8. "Yellow Fever."

Once again, Eric Kripkie and the early Supernatural team manage to make a genuinely funny but also simultaneously scary episode. While dealing with ghost sickness, Dean has some truly horrific visions of his future death, a theme throughout the show's third season. Also can't help but feel bad for the ghost of this episode, when the brothers must recreate his horrific death to make him move on.

9. "The Benders."

This episode earns its spot on the list because it isn't really a paranormal threat that scares the audience. This episode serves to remind us of the threat that human beings can be on their own. And cannibalism is always terrifying.

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