10. Culture II - Migos | The Odyssey Online
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The Top 10 Best Albums Of 2018

...and THAT'S the tea!

The Top 10 Best Albums Of 2018
Stas Knop

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In case you didn't know, I love music and I only thought it would be fitting if I shared with you my top 10 best albums from the last year. TO MAKE MYSELF CLEAR, these are just my opinions, that I formed out of my general music taste and concept of what makes music good. I know there will be people that disagree with me on the albums I have listed or the order of the albums, but I hope that everyone knows I do this for fun and that I want it to be fun for everyone

10. Culture II - Migos

Migos has created yet another killer album, consisting of 24 tracks. While the album has four singles that topped the charts, the rest of the tracklist is really only supported by the consistent fans of the trio. To me, the album seemed like Migos put quantity over quality. Listen here.

9. Brighter Days - Sigala

Even though Sigala is a lesser known artist, this album is perfect for long car rides or hanging out on the beach with friends. The tropical house music can put anyone in a good mood, and the entirety of the tracklist would be perfect for any type of event. Listen here.

8. Ella Mai - Ella Mai

Ella Mai's self-titled album is one for all music lovers. The newly popular artist rose to the top when her single, "Boo'd Up" topped the charts and took over radio stations across the country. Her single was definitely the most popular track, the rest of the album consists of soulful R&B songs that can chill out any person or group. Listen here.

7. beerbongs & bentleys - Post Malone

The modern-day music legend created yet another great album. Post Malone's "beerbongs & bentleys" took the music world by storm when so many songs from the total album took high numbers on the charts. I encourage everyone to listen to this album. Even my mom liked it. Listen here.

6. Championships - Meek Mill

Honestly, I can't explain why I put this album here. I just really liked it. Listen here.

5. Bloom - Troye Sivan

Troye Sivan's album is a perfect mixture of bubble gum pop and radio music, and everyone needs to listen to it. Overall, the entire album is well produced and well written. Listen here.

4. Delta - Mumford & Sons

THIS IS THE ALBUM I WAITED MY WHOLE LIFE FOR. Even though it's not the number one album of 2018, Delta by Mumford & Sons is the indie/alternative album that we didn't know we needed. There are so many great songs, instruments, vocals, literally everything. AND, it's family friendly! Listen here.

3. Malibu Nights - LANY

LANY is seriously one of the coolest and most interesting artists of 2018. With singles that have done fairly well among the younger generations, LANY has established itself as a musical genius. He blends genres together to create perfect music for any occasion. Listen here.

2. Invasion of Privacy - Cardi B

Cardi B took the world and the music charts by storm when she dropped Invasion of Privacy. The album, consisting of thirteen songs and eight features, the album went platinum in just about three months. Cardi B's debut album was just another reason to love that weird and crazy artist for everything she is. Listen here.

1. Sweetener - Ariana Grande

Okay, if you know who I am, this is not a surprise. Ariana Grande was my top listened to artist in 2018 and I am not shocked at all. While I do love music genres like indie and alternative, every once and a while a pop album will take over my playlists. This time, it was Sweetener by Ariana Grande. I liked every song on this album, and I basically know all of the words now. I hope you take a moment and listen. Listen here.

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