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10 People Shane Dawson Should Interview Next

PewDiePie, David Dobrik, Jojo Siwa — the list goes on and on.

10 People Shane Dawson Should Interview Next

Shane Dawson: the YouTuber who was best known for his super inappropriate jokes and drag characters has now become one of the most respected people in the game today. With his videos turning into insightful, serious and lengthy ones, Shane has really shown that his identity as a YouTuber has evolved over the past decade that he has been making original content.

With his most recent venture of creating docuseries about controversial YouTubers (grav3yardgirl, Jeffree Star and Jake Paul), everyone is talking about who Shane is going to cover next. In a viral world where many YouTubers are conspired to have done one thing or fake their way through their branding, viewers would love it if a person like Shane can give us outsiders the truth behind it all.

Without further ado, here is my list of who I think Shane should consider interviewing next in the sphere of YouTube.


If you weren't getting into YouTubers when you were in your early teens, you probably don't even know "Our 2nd Life," or better known as "O2L." This group of six guys (Connor Franta, Ricky Dillon, Sam Pottorff, Justin "JC" Caylen, Trevor Moran and Kian Lawley) started as a collaboration channel in 2012 where each of them would have a designated day to post their own videos as well as having Surprise Sundays every week. They were one of the most popular channels on the site back then, and a lot of them started their long-term YouTube careers in this group.

For Shane to do a light-hearted piece on where each of the guys are now in their lives, as well as what really happened with Ricardo Ordieres getting kicked out of the group early on, would bring YouTube back to those simpler days.

David Dobrik

David Dobrik is probably one of the most famous Vine-turned-YouTube vlogger today (next to the Pauls and Liza Koshy, of course). His videos focus on living in L.A. with his big friend group, and a lot of them also include some of the craziest pranks on the internet today. From surprising his friends with crazy animals laying on top of them, to using an actual flamethrower in his friend's home, there seems to be no limit for where this guy will go to reach the ultimate clickbait-able title. Shane should definitely investigate the "why" and "how" of David's vlogs while also interviewing the whole Vlog Squad to discover the bigger picture.

Gabbie Hanna

Here's another Viner that has transferred their social media fame onto YouTube. Otherwise known as "The Gabbie Show," Gabbie Hanna has a weird reputation of being "fake" or "unlikeable" by a good amount of haters. Along with her YouTube videos, she is also starting a music career (and this girl can sing pretty well), so Shane would have a lot of ground to cover if he did a series on her.

Josh Peck

What's better than a docuseries about a child actor that's now a funny YouTuber? Josh Peck is infamously known for his stint on Nickelodeon, especially for his show he shared with Drake Bell, and people (like me) just can't ever get enough of his personality in any video he's in. Now that he's a part of the Vlog Squad and has his own channel and podcast of his own, he is definitely eligible to do a series with Shane. And also, their chemistry is everything we'd hope it be- check it out in this video.

James Charles

This YouTuber is probably one of the most controversial stars on the site right now. He's not only known for his killer makeup skills and collabs with the hottest celebrities, but he has also been caught making racist comments on Twitter and having beef with Ariana Grande. While he has been featured in Shane's docu-series on Jeffree Star, making one that solely focuses on him would really be something else and might even gain just as much attention as the Jake Paul one.

Trisha Paytas

The whole reason why I knew who Trisha Paytas was initially was because of Shane's videos. Shane and Trisha have been friends for the longest time, so it would only be right if he was the one to do a totally transparent interview with her. Trisha is known for her overly-dramatic personality and lifestyle, and since she's now dating Vlog Squad member Jason Nash, the series would be more than entertaining. For Shane to ask her all the burning questions fans have been wanting to ask (especially surrounding the "fat" comment that sparked a feud between her and Jason) would literally be everything.


Why shouldn't Shane do a docuseries on the most legendary and famous YouTuber of all time? The amount of times his name is dropped in videos from any YouTuber is honestly a lot, and to hear his complete and honest journey to how he got to where is now would allow Shane to grow has a docuseries maker. Think about it, Shane...

Jojo Siwa

Shane's obsession with Jojo Siwa is honestly so amazing that he just has to do this- I mean look at the poster featured in this thumbnail. Even though she isn't considered a YouTuber, her whole career and persona should definitely be delved into by Jojo's biggest fan. Shane has even voiced his interest in doing a series on her and maybe even having her switch lives with Danielle Bregoli (the "catch me outside" girl) because they're the same age and are super different. We love a concept.

Colleen Ballinger/Miranda Sings

One of the most iconic YouTube personalities is the woman behind the red lips and crazy voice. She has created her own brand with her character, Miranda Sings, and as even garnered a following with her vlogs depicting her own life. I think if Shane were to find the true origin story behind the creation of Miranda as well as the happenings in Colleen's own life through it all would make such an interesting and real docuseries.

 Logan Paul

And here is the docuseries that literally everyone is expecting from Shane next but may not even happen at all. Since the theme of Jake's docuseries revolved around the possibility of him being a sociopath, many viewers deemed Logan the real sociopath out of the two. Logan has put out this video since, and Shane has even vocalized his fear of Logan and how he doesn't have the energy to delve into his story right after his brother's. Hopefully, in the near future, Shane will decide to take on this project and entertain us more than ever.

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