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22 Hot Movies that Will Leave You At The Edge Of Your Seat This Summer

These moves will be fire.

YouTube/ Universal Pictures

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Summer is fun, but it can get boring when there's nothing to do. Keep your summer interesting with these action packed films coming out this year.

1. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Coming out June 22, 2018

2. Sicario: Day of the Soldado

Coming out June 29, 2018

3. Uncle Drew

Coming out June 29, 2018

4. The First Purge

Coming out July 4, 2018

5. Ant-Man and the Wasp

Coming out July 6, 2018

6. Skyscraper

Coming out July 13, 2018

7. Eighth Grade

Coming out July 13, 2018. While not an action movie, it is still a funny movie to see with friends.

8. Equalizer 2

Coming out July 20, 2018

9. Blindspotting

Coming out July 20, 2018

10. Mission: Impossible: Fallout

Coming out July 27, 2018

11. The Darkest Minds

Coming out Aug 3, 2018. For all the readers out there, the movie adaptation of The Darkest Minds is sure to be a blast to see.

12. Searching

Coming out Aug 3rd, 2018

13. The Spy Who Dumped Me

Coming out Aug 3, 2018. An action and a comedy, the perfect mixture.

14. Meg

Coming out Aug 10 2018

15. Three Seconds

Coming out Aug 17, 2018.

16. Mile 22

Coming out Aug 17, 2018.

17. Captive State

Coming out Aug 17, 2018.

18. A.X.L

Coming out Aug 24, 2018

19. The Happytime Murders

Coming out Aug 24, 2018

20. Replica

Coming out Aug 24, 2018

21. Slender Man

Coming out Aug 24, 2018

22. Kin

Coming out Aug 31, 2018

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