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9 December Movies To Keep You In A Holly Jolly Christmas Spirit Before The New Year

There is probably no better time for new movies than the holidays.

9 December Movies To Keep You In A Holly Jolly Christmas Spirit Before The New Year

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There is probably no better time for new movies than the holidays. Production companies know all too well that the screening rooms will be stacked and the popcorn queues will be as long as the tinsel on your Christmas tree. Whether you want to bond with your family over a cinematic experience or take a break from them entirely, you can rest assured that you will have plenty of films to choose from this December. So, why not have a look now to see what you're in for this holiday season?

Ben Is Back

Released on Dec. 7, this family drama features Julia Roberts as a mother struggling to protect her son, played by Lucas Hedges. So far, critics have praised Roberts' and Hedges' performances. Also, the movie holds an 84 percent score on the review website Rotten Tomatoes.

Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle 

This movie needs no introduction, as it's based on the famous novel "The Jungle Book." Andy Serkis, the English actor who played Gollum in "The Lord of The Rings" trilogy and "The Hobbit" movies, directs this fantasy adventure film. The movie also features a star-studded cast with the likes of Cate Blanchett, Christian Bale, Benedict Cumberbatch, Naomie Harries and Serkis himself. It came out on Nov. 29 and hit Netflix on Dec. 7.

Vox Lux

Natalie Portman plays a pop music legend, and the film follows her 18-year career span. The film also stars your favorite eye candy, Jude Law, and William Dafoe narrates this captivating movie. After this film premiered at the Venice International Film Festival, Toronto International Film Festival and New Orleans Film Festivals, critics praised Portman's performance, lauding it as her best to date. The film featured in cinemas starting Dec. 7.

Once Upon A Deadpool

Ryan Reynolds put on his red jumpsuit once again on Dec. 12, in a more toned down version of "Deadpool 2." The movie, which earned a PG-13 rating, ended screening time on Christmas Eve. Furthermore, a portion of the earnings went to a health organization which helps to fight cancer.

Mary Poppins Returns 

The lovely Emily Blunt stars in this much-anticipated musical fantasy film from Disney. The English actress is not the only A-lister in the movie, though. Meryl Streep, Lin-Manuel Miranda and Dick Van Dyke are all set to appear as well. Honestly, with the release date set for Dec. 19, is there any better movie to watch over or even after Christmas?

Bird Box

Although it does not exactly fit into the warm, cheerful holiday spirit, this post-apocalyptic thriller film made a splash when it hit the screens on Dec. 21. The cast ensemble features Sandra Bullock, Sarah Paulson and many more.


Based on the young adult novel of the same name, this comedy stars Jennifer Aniston as a former beauty queen. Her plus-size teenage daughter (Danielle Macdonald), starts a pageant protest in their small Texas town, and insanity ensues. The movie's release date was Dec. 7.

Mary Queen of Scots

Hollywood royalties Margot Robbie and Saoirse Ronan star together in Josie Rourke's historical drama film. With Robbie playing Queen Elizabeth I and Ronan as the eponymous character, the movie follows the 1569 conflict between Scotland and England. Its slated release date was Dec. 7.

The Mule 

This crime film, which Clint Eastwood produced, directed, and stars in, is based on Sam Dolnick's New York Times article "The Sinaloa Cartel's 90-Year-Old Drug Mule." Bradley Cooper, Laurence Fishburne and Andy Garcia also star in this movie, which dramatically tells the true story of an eighty-something war veteran who became a Sinaloa Cartel drug mule. The movie came out on Dec. 14.

December will certainly be a busy month at the box office, and we cannot wait to see these movies until all that holiday cheer wears us out. This year has been a good one for the cinematic universe, and it looks like, it is set to go out with a bang. Which movies are you most excited to see or have seen this holiday season?

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