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9 Movies And Shows To Watch If You Want To Start A Business

Not every success comes easy, some requires work, work, and more work.

9 Movies And Shows To Watch If You Want To Start A Business

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"The Founder"

When it comes to creating an entirely new food industry model that would eventually reach billions worldwide, Ray Kroc is the man to model after. After coming across the Macdonalds brothers' restaurant, and seeing the never before "Fast Food Method" in play; Ray saw a vision that would change restaurants forever.

"There Will Be Blood"

Daniel Day-Lewis transforms himself in the turn of the 20th century oil tycoon Daniel Plainview.

"The Social Network"

Social media is no longer a place for uploading pictures and ranking your friends. Social media is now connected to billions of dollars and has a major hand in the news, entertainment, political elections, pretty much everything. And this social media revolution all started with Facebook. "The Social Network" tells the story of Mark Zuckerburg and how he began the development of something that would eventually become a household social tool.


The trait of seeing things differently seems to be an ongoing theme with these films. Billy Beane (Brad Pitt) merged business and sports, changing the face of baseball forever. As the general manager of the Oakland A's, Beane implemented analytics as a means to determine how talented players were. As a result, the A's won as many games in a single season as teams who were paying their players three times as much.

"The Big Short"

What do you do when you learn that the world financial markets are going to crash? In the case of certain stockbrokers in 2006, make loads of money by hustling the banking institutions - re: the housing market - that caused the crash in the first place. Since there is evidence that another crash is on the way, this film could prove to be very useful in the next few upcoming years. "The Big Short" stars Steve Carrell, Brad Pitt, Christian Bale, and Ryan Gosling.

"The Pursuit Of Happyness"

If you have studied business or own a business yourself, you know that there are ups and downs. The difference between a successful business and a failed business is how you deal with the downs. Do you fold under the pressure or rise to the occasion? Will Smith plays a struggling salesman and single father who manages to turn his life around.

"Narcos: Mexico"

There is nothing more difficult than creating something completely from scratch. It's even more difficult to convince partners to abide by one uniformed system. But Pablo Escobar, the biggest drug cartel leader of the 1980s, managed to do just that. Although I do not condone the manufacturing of drugs, I have to respect the ambition of his vision. All of the work put in, all of the adversity he and his team faced was overcome by their drive to succeed.

"Woodstock: 3 Days Of Peace And Music"

When your business venture becomes a financial disaster like the Woodstock festival became, what do you do? Sometimes, the experience that is created supersedes the money that was supposed to be made.


Steve Jobs: at this point, nothing much more can really be said about him. His rises and falls are a representation of what happens to an individual who oversaw his vision until the end.

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