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7 Moments Every Retail Worker Experiences

"Oh, so you speak retail?"

7 Moments Every Retail Worker Experiences

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Yes. That's right. This one is for all my retail workers out there. I'm not going to lie, I absolutely love my job. I've created so many friendships and connections, learned more about my community and other communities, learned how to do tasks that may help me in the future and learned how to solve issues and find solutions while being quick on my feet. I believe people should at least give retail a try to understand some of the things we experience and daily struggles. But overall, I feel like working in retail prepared me, in a sense, for the real world. Here are some little things I feel like retail workers can relate to…

When a song comes on the store playlist and you know every word.

Don't lie. You were probably in an aisle at some point bopping to a song and singing your little heart out silently. Not to mention, some of the songs that play in retail stores are actually good.

"Siri, what song is this?"

When you're trying to complete a billion things at once.

I am trying to stock items, while helping a customer find a product, while helping the photo department, answering the phone and trying to keep my sanity all at once. Don't even get me started on the holiday season…

When you're on shift with some of your favorite people...

Not going to lie, I've liked almost everybody I've worked with and it can be fun when you've had your fair share of joking, chatting and just getting to learn more about who you work with.


If you don't know what "clopening" is, it's when you're there when the store closes and have to be up the next morning for your shift. It's not the worst, not the best, but it's certainly a fun word to say… Clopening.

Finding random items in different parts of the store...

Honestly, the GIF says it all...

“Look at all those carts…”

Finding shopping carts all over the parking lot and sometimes all the way ACROSS the parking lot.

You just need some patience.

On a serious note, I feel like being in retail for almost three years built up my tolerance and helped me with my patience. Having to deal with human interaction on a daily basis is tiresome, and having the need to learn and find solutions for problems that may come along the way is CRUCIAL. Patience is KEY. Take a deep breath, you'll get through the day. No guarantees… Sometimes.

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