I Met Jesus Today
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I Met Jesus Today

And it wasn't how you think.

I Met Jesus Today
Berkeley 2014 WordPress

I met Jesus today. He didn't look like I expected him to. In my imagination, which I suspect has been strongly influenced by popular paintings, He is usually in long white robes, with a purple or blue sash and carrying either a lamb, a staff, or both. However, He didn't look anything like that at all. I bumped into Him several times through out the day, and let me tell you, He is everywhere.

I guess I should start with last night. I was watching our puppy, and he would not stop barking. I am afraid I scolded him rather harshly several times. He is a sweet as sugar little pup, and I felt rather bad when I went to bed for how much I fussed at him for his incessant yips. But this morning when I woke up, he ran up to me, happy as can be, and wouldn't stop jumping on me and licking every part of arms and face he could get his tongue on. He was so happy to see me. I sat down on the floor to play with him, and he instantly jumped in my lap and curled up, still trying to give me puppy kisses. I met Jesus this morning, in the essence of a three pound Oreo colored Chihuahua, who loved me unconditionally. Jesus loves us no matter how much we fuss at Him, scream at Him, or complain about Him trying to get our attention. I can think of countless times I've trapped my voice in my head, and let it rage like a rushing river at my relentless lover and Savior. Jesus's love for me is unconditional, just like my precious puppy.

I met Jesus again around brunch time. I was standing in line to get water at work. I work at a pool, filled to the brim with wonderful guests, and most days, I couldn't love my job more if I tried. This particular day, as I waited in line, one of my favorite guests and her beautiful baby daughter waited beside me. As I tickled the baby's feet and she cooed up at me in her innocence, I met Jesus again. I met Jesus in the essence of a baby, and her innocent, pure smile. In the baby's innocence, I am reminded of Jesus innocence. I am reminded of His purity, and His blamelessness, as He bore a punishment intended for me; and hung, heavy on a cross for hours until He died, for my sins.

I meet Jesus yet again, a few minutes later, in the face of a sweet, blonde haired, blue eyed, lifeguard. As we switch spots and I go on stand, she bends over and scoops water out of the pool. She then takes that water, and splashes it over my feet, so the hot metal of the stand doesn't burn them. In her actions I meet the King of the Universe who humbles Himself to the position of a servant, to wash His disciples feet and I am reminded to serve others with dignity, respect and love.

As I leave work, my car breaks down. I think this is the worst possible thing that can happen, as I desperately need my car when I leave to go back to school in two weeks. The battery light comes on, the car cuts off and the steering wheel locks up. I am scared. I meet Jesus in the face of the beautiful, dark skinned, girl who works at the gas station, who sees me break down through the window. As she runs outside to make sure I am okay and I can get out of the car, I meet Jesus in her actions, because she selflessly puts my safety above her own, just as Jesus put me first by dying for me all those years ago.

I meet Jesus in the stranger with the long brown hair, kind eyes and black lip ring as he crawls under my scalding hot car and begins to look at different parts to see if he thinks he can help. I see Jesus in his actions. Like the parable of the good Samaritan, he was willing to help someone he didn't know. He was willing to get his hands dirty and do a task most people wouldn't be willing to do for someone they know, much less a complete stranger.

Jesus sure seems to be around gas stations a lot. He decides to hang out with me a few minutes later, through a jolly man. This man is on his way to meet his boyfriend, but offers to stay with me instead, "even if it takes two hours." He is worried it isn't safe for me, alone at the gas station. I decline his offer, but I meet Jesus in these words, as I am reminded that He will never leave me or forsake me, that He is my friend who sticks closer than a brother.

As I sit on the hot pavement and wait for my dad and the tow truck to arrive, I send out a few text messages. I text two people and tell them what happened. I then meet Jesus in the strangest way. He was on my iPhone screen, in a little blue bubble. I texted an old friend, who I hadn't spoken to in a while. I didn't even know if he would respond. The last time we spoke, I was rather rude. He quickly made sure I was okay, and didn't need any help and offered to drive me if I ended up needing it. I met Jesus in his actions as I remember the command to forgive, not seven times, but seventy times seven. I am sure I have exceeded that number, yet he was stilling willing to be there.

The second message I sent was to a wonderful lady. I had known her only a week, but she had already become family in Christ. I asked her to pray about my situation. She didn't respond for a while, but when she did she told me that she "Immediately began to pray for favor for my situation." I believe with my whole heart she did. I met Jesus in this little green text bubble, as I remember that He says to pray without ceasing.

I met Jesus in so many ways, through so many people, I began to wonder how I it is that I don't meet him this much everyday. Then I realize, maybe, it's because I'm not really looking. I think guilty of the Matthew 25:40. "Whatever you do to the least of these, you do also to me."

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